On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 2:53 PM, Jim Wiggs <jim.wi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 12:17 PM, Marsell K <mars...@joyent.com> wrote:
>> > If that weren't the case, I wouldn't have done what I was doing,
>> because I'd be reducing the lifetime of my ZIL devices by 90% or more.
>> I don't follow. You will reduce your slog's SSD endurance by using it for
>> other things too, which is apparently what you're trying to do?
> Yes, but the "other things" I want to use it for, L2ARC, are strongly
> read-intensive.  Only P/E cycles induce wear on an SSD, not repeated reads
> of data that's already in the device.  So, the vast majority of the "wear"
> on an SSD that's split between ZIL and L2ARC is going to come from the ZIL
> side of things.  I haven't done the numbers, but I'd strongly suspect that
> ZIL would generate at least an order of magnitude more writes to the device
> than L2ARC, over the same time period.
> In any case, I will merely point out that Joyent has never used mirrored
>> SSDs for the slog, albeit we made sure to use a quality SSD. You can see a
>> series of Joyent BOMs here: https://eng.joyent.com/manufacturing/bom.html
> So, what  happens to that last ~5 seconds of data that you *thought* was
> safely committed to your zpool if your non-mirrored quality SSD does in
> fact glitch out and die, never to be seen again?
So long as the system doesn't immediately crash, it still gets written to
the data devices (for lack of better words) through the normal write path.
When writes go to a log device ahead of writes to the data devices, the
write to the data device comes from the same kernel buffer as was used for
writing to the log device.

In other words, you still have to have a double failure to have data loss.
Mirroring the log device means that you need to have a triple failure.

Disclaimer:  This is based on talking with senior members of Oracle's ZFS
team about this very issue in the past year.  While I don't think there is
a difference between the Solaris and Solarish behavior, there could be.


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