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arne anka wrote:
>> using ms4 and if I was a granny and hit a power button I'd think I just
>> switched off the phone, not suspend. If I hit it again I'd think that
>> I'd powered it on again, not resume.
> a "grannie" would be able to kill herself with a spoon ...
> everything above a kitchen knive requires understanding how the device
> works, which means reading soem kind of documentation before use -- if
> the device does not work as expected, it's usually a matter of pebkac.
> especially for a device with so limited a number of physical input
> elements it should be perfectly clear to any user that the two buttons
> have more than a simple on/off function but a broad number depending
> upon the situation.
> it might be an option (as usual) to make the behaviour of the pwr button
> configurable:
> a) do only on/off
> b) do suspend/resume and on/off
> c) expose a menu to select the desired action
> a) would be for what you call "grannies"
> b) for those preferring fast and minmal inavise action
> c) for the rest
> focusing solely on the (imho hardly likely) group of "grannies" would
> ostracize the number of users willing to use and looking for a more
> advanced device not tied up in the conventional paradigms of user
> interaction.
> building smartphones for "grannies" is a task a lot of companies aspire
> -- and i doupt openmoko would be able to survive!
> have a look at palm: they basically abandoned palmos in favour of wince
> -- and their phones a re to expansive and too bad to cope with stuff
> from htc or so, they left their niche and found no other ...

Cheers for that you made me laugh with the grannies with spoons comment ;-)

I sort of disagree with you. People do not read the manual when they get
a device. They try to use it and if they have to resort to the manual
the designer has failed. I can't remember the last time I read the
manual for a phone, camera, DVD player. Devices performing everyday
things like a mobile phone in the 21t century should be as close to
intuitive as makes no difference.

No offence to anybody on this list but like a lot of you I'm happy
enough with the command line for a lot of stuff and that's maybe why
we're not that good at usability. I'm not suggesting that we get "tied
up the conventional paradigms of user interactions" but just a bit of
usability. I think even a granny given an iPod for the first time would
have a fairly good stab at playing some music. Obviously getting music
into it would be a stretch.

I also don't think that OpenMoko should even attempt to give use smart
phones for grannies. They should give us a hardware platform and let us,
the community, do the rest. Look at the xBox media centre for the
original xBox built by a community, as far as I know, and a really good
usable piece of Software IMHO.

At the end of the day I'm still amazed that I've got an open platform.
When my capable laptop for programming arrives and I get some time I'm
going to have a menu on the power button ;-)

Thanks again for the laugh. Grannies with spoons
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