So it sounds like she really *is* Catbert. I have met many a slimy HR person in my time (the lady who did a full background check on a co-worker she was interested in dating, the lady at my husband's work who wanted him to set it up so that she could read all of the email of laid off employees - not just the work-related stuff, etc), but it sounds like she was one of the slimiest. The odd thing is that she was very proud of the Catbert doll she had on her desk.

Did I mention this was a particularly unpleasant place to work?

Greg Hopper wrote:

I do know you can get them for religious discrimination, even when it's not
specified up front. If it violates your faith, by law they do have to
accomidate you within reason. Point in case, when my ex and I first married
at 18, when we moved to Arkansas from Louisiana she went to the unemployment
office and was interviewed and HIRED by Taco Bell.

Then upon finding out she didn't wear pants due to her religious faith, they
told her she wasn't hired. Only problem was, they had ALREADY hired her. I
made a few phone calls, wound up talking to what I thought at the time was
her manager, turns out it was her district manager. He tried telling me it
was a "safety" issue....I said they do it every day at McDonals, Wal-Mart
you name it. I said how can it not be safe to run a CASH REGISTER ( which is
what she was hired for ) in a skirt? He says, is it really that much of a
issue? I said, well she's 18 years old and has never had anything on but a
skirt, you tell me. lol

I barely had to HINT that I felt it would be religious discrimination and
WHAM....not only did they say it wouldn't be a problem they told her since
the company at that time didn't offer skirts in it's uniform to have one
made and they would PAY for it. lol Bubba, talk about changing their tune,
they did it quick. lol I would more than likely have felt the same, had they
told her upfront they couldn't hire her because of that....but where they
really messed up was they hired her, then tried to tell her she wasn't

Sometimes if we make alittle noise, it works. :)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Caroline B-C" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "The Sandbox Discussion List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Sndbox] Library Worker Fired For Refuseing To Work On Sunday

Well, I was told by a reliable HR person (not very nice, but she usually
knows what she was talking about - let's call her Catbert) that the
issue there was "not being able to fulfill the requirements of the job"
- ie that she be there for mandatory OT and that the verbal promise to
exclude Friday night and Saturday was apparently made by someone who no
longer worked there and was never put in writing. To be honest, it was a
really nasty place to work and I ended up quitting a month later. I
don't think she wanted the job back and, in any case, jobs were easy to
find back then.

Apparently, this particular clause is being used for lots of firings for
things like that in order to C the company's A.


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