So a
kid can do anything accidentally, no matter how bad it is and not be punished?
Guess it makes me a bad mother when my kids accidentally do something that hurts
themselves or someone else and I punish them for it.
-----Original Message-----In a message dated 11/6/2003 2:30:12 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Sndbox] FL. Boy fined on bike
Yeah but being in the tub is an unavoidable accident most of the time. Playing in the road can be avoided and being hit and killed by a car can be avoided by not playing in the road. When my kids get to close to the main road on their bikes, they get punished for it. It only took grounding them once for them to realize not to go near it and that's when they were 6 y/o. Now they are older they are allowed to ride down to the store and back if they want, but they know to follow the rules of the road, give right of way to the cars, stay off to the side and no goofing off on the bike. But they started learning these lessons as soon as they learned to ride a bike. If they can't follow the rules, then they have no business being on the bike in the first place
and going to the store alone isnt dangerous? my cousin went two aisles over away from my aunt in a store and was kidnapped and murdered.
my point everything is dangerous but you dont punish for an accident
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