yes Charles, I agree. The same rules apply in our house. My 12 year old knows this. However, like many males (chuckle) he doesn't cover his tracks too well. Like 2 months ago when he left notes from a girl right out on his dresser in plain view. LMAO
"Keep American out of the liberal toilet.
Vote Bush-Cheney in 2004"
----- Original Message -----
From: Charles
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 10:24 AM
Subject: RE: [Sndbox] parenting and privacy.

I do respect their right to privacy within reason.  I do, however, maintain the option to violate that right without guilt.  Anything under my roof is fair game to me.  If, for example, my child had drugs in my home, it would be *ME* that was responsible.  So since I'm the responsible party I have an absolute right to know exactly what is in my house.

Like the columbine on earth did their parents not know they were making bombs in the garage.  I would know.
It does boil down to trust and previous actions between parent and child.  We don't make a habit of poking through our girls diary for example, but if we felt it necessary we would and there would not be one ounce of regret.  It just doesn't seem necessary at this moment, and therefore because of their exemplary actions they are afforded the privilege of privacy.  Privileges can be taken away though!

Charles Mims <>


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Bethany

I know Charles. But that's because parents are too worried about hurting their kid's self esteem. They want to be buddies and respect their kid's right to privacy.
There isn't any rights in this house as long as you live here other than :
~you have the right to breathe
~you have the right to a bed to sleep in...ALONE
~you have the right to get 3 meals if you so desire
~you have the right to clothing.

Other than that and their responsibility to go to school everyday, everything else is fluff.

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