On Friday, August 20, 2004, 2:35:35 AM, Michiel wrote:

MP> Pete, even your message had a chaset header:

MP> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Yes, a tricky gadget indeed.

MP> I think you'll generate more FP's if you do something like that than FN's
MP> you might have now. Aren't there spamassassin config files that detect this
MP> spam?

Just to be clear - we're not precisely talking about spam per-se.
Rather we're talking about stating that all traffic on a particular
system should be only in one language as a matter of policy...

The distinction is small I suppose, but in my mind important. In
filtering spam we're usually trying to target only messages that are
unsolicited commercial email, pornography, or somehow harmful... With
this other approach instead of trying to defeat what we don't want, we
are trying to only accept what we do want... Not so much putting up
blocks, more like putting up a huge block and punching holes.

There are some SA filters that do this kind of thing...
Ultimately I think it boils down to filtering out anything with a
charset that is not wanted.

If we achieve this by attrition (rather than attempting to capture all
of the charsets at once) then we will achieve a strong result quickly
at a relatively low cost and we might avoid potential false positives
that are out there.


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