
Thanks for the suggestions--the one thing I forgot to mention is that I have other JSP apps working fine; the only one that's unhappy is Soap. That is, I already had Tomcat & Apache playing together (never mind how long that took :-|); what I'm trying to do is add Soap to a working set-up. I do have Tomcat listening on 8080 (I've always found that useful myself).

I was afraid that my set-up might be working incorrectly because of the fact that the Soap .war file was apparently built with a 1.3 version of the JDK--but I suppose that would have given me some exceptions rather than the bland message I got.





One thing that greatly helps me debugging Tomcat/Apache configs is to allow
Tomcat to listen to its own HTTP port. If you can access the resource
(servlet, jsp, whatever) directly from Tomcat then the problem is with the
Apache-Tomcat connection. Tomcat should listen to port 8080 by default.
Once you have the configuration straight then comment out the HTTP configs
in Tomcat's servlet.xml file or, if it's a development box just leave it for
later debugging.

Also, I usually put a silly "Hello World" jsp in my webapps directory
wherever I think I'm having a problem. First I put it in the ROOT context
to see if I can access it there. Then I'll move it around until I get the
Resource Not Available error.

Simplifying helps target the error and its scope.

Good luck,


-----Original Message-----
From: J M Craig/Alpha-G [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 4:31 AM
Subject: Tomcat 4.1.18, JDK 1.4.1, & Soap

Hi Folks,

Does anyone have this working? I understand that 1.4 has rather different XML processing class organization (presumably Xerces.jar isn't necessary). But, do I need to remake the soap.jar and war files with 1.4 in order to make this all work? (I didn't do that because I thought I'd give the .war file a shot and see if it happened to work.)

The instructions relating to Tomcat don't seem to match up with what's installed on my system (I don't find any .sh files, for instance--maybe I should look harder?)--at any rate, I can't see how to change the CLASSPATH settings as described for earlier versions of Tomcat.

I'm using Tomcat 4.1.18, JK2 connector to Apache2, and Java 1.4.1 all on RH Linux 8.0 (I should never try this many new things at once....).

At any rate, I've put the soap.war file into the webapps directory and modifed the Tomcat server.xml file to point to it (I think I did this right--my experience with the correct setting for .war files is limited) and added a section to the JK2 /Apache-side file to ID the context too. The error I get is from "Apache Tomcat/4.1" The requested resource <path here> is not available.

This looks like the kind of error I'd expect if the war file weren't there at all or it hadn't been registered properly.

Suggestions welcomed!


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