Hello Vuko!

Yes, I think your setup might be similar enough to be useful (although it must be nearing the end of your day--or past it by now). If you're using the JK2 connector, it'd be very similar, I'm sure. Are you using the JK2 connector?

So, the first question is: did you have to rebuild the soap.war with the 1.4.1 JDK?

Here's what I've got in the server.xml file (and I'm unsure about the correct form for the values for a .war file):

<Context path="/soap"

Should the PATH value be "/soap" for a .war file (that is, it looks like it's specifying a directory?). I assumed it should since the .war file gets expanded into a directory, doesn't it?

Should the DOCBASE value be the full path (ending as a directory, as I have it)?

I do have this in the <Engine> tag:

<Host name="localhost" debug="0" appBase="webapps"
unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">

As to the JK2 connector side, I've added this to the workers2.properties file (matches the pattern for the /examples/ directory that comes with Tomcat):

info=Map the soap servlet

Any suggestions most appreciated.


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