Hi John,

I am glad you found the cause of your problems!

J M Craig/Alpha-G wrote:

> >Very honestly I don't know what the JK2 connector is or,
> >more fundamentally, what is a "connector" in this context.
> >
> A "connector" is the piece of software that you can optionally use with
> Tomcat so that a webserver (such as Apache) can serve the static HTML
> portions of a JSP document. It is used for performance reasons or so you
> can use SSL or various other obscure reasons. It has (finally) occurred
> to me that perhaps I don't need to bother with linking Tomcat to Apache.
> Tomcat would almost certainly serve my purposes without being hooked
> into Apache. But it's already working so I'm not going to bother with
> undoing it, I guess. In any case, you're clearly not using this
> capability or you have a different connector; and that's apparently not
> the heart of the problem I'm facing anyway.

Ah, I understand, thanks for the explanation!

I am indeed not linking Tomcat to Apache but using Tomcat
as web server for the static content as well. I had however
the intention to do so very soon, for the performance 
reasons but also to be able to use some other Apache
plugins I will need soon, so my question:
where can I find documentation on how to "plugin"
Tomcat into Apache, i.e. using Apache for the static
content and Tomcat as servlet container?



 Vuko Brigljevic,    EP Research Fellow                    |
 CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics           |
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 Mail Address: CERN, Div. EP, 1211 Geneve 23 (Switzerland) |
 Office      : B40-2B08                                    |
 Phone       : +41-22-767 1662                             |
 e-mail      : [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     |
 www         : http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~vuko          |

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