I noticed a 2M with "Drela Derivative" airfoils at Sal's site:
Has anyone seen it in person yet? Looks promising.

On 8/1/06, Daryl Perkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What a great post. Thank you. You're right on about
the MH32 being a poor choice for a 2M section. I don't
like it for open class TD either. Drela has done a
good deal of optimization on sections for us, and he's
got a pretty good idea of what works in the real
world. Definitely a good idea to try some of his
thinner sections on a 2M. The key here would be

I don't particularly like super low A/R 2M's... ala
the Duck. Span loading ends up too high, wing loading
too low... not a good combo. At least not my personal
preference… you get a model that doesn't go
anywhere... AND comes down quickly... woohoo!!!

Your also correct about AUW. My old Lasers used to
weigh in around 31 ounces, and they flew quite well
(for a 2M). People seem to have gotten complacent
about 40 and 45 ounce 2M's. Of course they fly fine...
they're just pre-ballasted. Especially when you're
only flying against other 40 and 45 ounce models. But
remember, a 2M isn't much larger than a HL model.
They're what? 25% larger? Who wants to thermal a 30
ounce HL? Or even a 20 ounce HL for that matter?
That's tremendously over simplified, there are many
other factors here, but you get my point. We can't
build our 2M's light enough.

Mike L's 2M Aegea weighed in at I think about 25
ounces (before the boom broke), and it was probably
the best flying 2M I've ever seen. In the early
morning light lift rounds, his was the only model that
even recognized lift, as the rest of the field flew
right through it and underneath him without even a

V-Tails - still... no. The main problem with a V-Tail
is that we all fly differing stability ranges. What I
mean here, is that while I may prefer a less stable
model, you may prefer a more stable model, and a
beginner prefers a ludicrously stable model. Why am I
talking about stability and not CG??? .. same thing
for this discussion. You can't just oversize the V to
be correct in yaw, and expect the model to fly right.
It'll be too stable for me, and maybe for you... but
perfect for the beginner. When I flew Super V's, I
couldn't get the model "loose" enough. I'd cheat the
CG way back, until I was happy with the performance
and flight characteristics in pitch, and the model
would tuck hard in slow cruise (harder as the speed
increases). Not great for a TD model. Soooo... that's
an indication that the model is overstabbed or too
stable. So, I had to cut the V's down... then all my
yaw stability went away. V-tails are a compromise at
best. You can play games with the V angle to get it
closer, but I've never got one right. They're fine for
a one dimensional model - ala a slope racer, cuz
you're never hanging the model on the wing. You don't
see Drela's design's being V-Tails, do ya? ;-)

The design challenges for a 2M are rather complex, and
this makes it sorta fun. There are many compromises to
be made. A/R vs. Area. Cruise vs. Hang. Cross tail...
or... uh cross tail. (I'm not even gonna mention a
damn V)

I'm going to do a new 2M in the next few months. I'm
not just going to focus on the wing, but on the fuse
as well. We're seeing gains in F3B with small cross
section fuses. I think I can shave some weight, and
some drag here as well.

I've broken up with multiple women in the last few
months... need to do enough models to keep up with the
naming process... ;-)

Possibly "Lil Beeotch" - we'll see


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