As Jim observed, its always important to remember "original intent" when
you are trying to figure out what to do next.  It's also important to
remember that things change over time.  Things have certainly changed
over the last 30 years in our sport.  I can't speak for competition
activity in the east and midwest, but the number of contests and size
of contests I have seen in the various places I have lived has
declined.  The age of participants in our sport has increased almost as
fast as the years have gone by -- the AMA has confirmed this in various
demographic studies.  The last time the AMA published information on
model aviation as a whole I was shocked at the percentage of members
who are my age or older -- and I have been an AMA member off and on for
49 years.  Surely, it can be argued that the current LSF requirements
continue to meet _our_ needs.  It's important, however, to look at
_whose_ needs are being met.  Ours is a sport where the "who's" who are
leaving outnumber the "who's" who are coming in.  If current trends
continue pretty soon most of the "who's" whose needs are being met will
be taking dirt naps.  It would be small consolation if the current LSF
continued to meet the needs of everyone in our sport right up to the
point that that last arthritic thumb finally chucks it all.

As I said in my previous note, the current LSF meets my needs as far as
my willingness to pursue the elusive Level V -- a goal which, under the
most optimistic circumstances, will see me travelling 40 or 50,000
miles over a 7 or 8 year period in what most likely is a futile pursuit
of an objective which I will not complete before I take my dirt nap. 
Again, I'm not complaining.

What I would dearly like to see, however, is an _additional_ program
which will challenge me closer to home on the 300 some odd days when I
am _not_ travelling.  For all intents and purposes, the only parts of
the current program which I can complete without travelling hundreds of
miles are the Thermal Duration and Goal and Return Tasks -- neither of
which I consider to be as difficult as meeting the contest requirements
-- both of which I am confident I can fairly easily complete *after* I
complete the competition elements.  I concur with Jim's observation
that increasing local "fun format" contests might increase
participation.  But in addition to "fun" many of us would like to have
our skills challenged to the highest _possible_ level.  

Finally, there seems to be an awful lot of thinking that our choices in
these matters are all "either/or" choices.  Its *either* traditional LSF
*or* some new alternative.  Its _either_ a program which relies heavily
on competition to demonstrate skills _or_ a program which has _no_
competition requirements whatsoever.  Who cast those rules in stone?  A
complementary alternative does not have to be a threat to the
traditional LSF.  

Maybe things where people speaking against an alternative path to
traditional LSF program haven't changed.  Perhaps the traditional LSF
is continuing to fully meet their needs.  Things _have_ changed where I
live and travel and the traditional LSF format is not fully meeting the
needs of everyone that it could reach.  

Don Harban

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