Interesting stuff, Gordy.  Now the manufacturors have to give us the
lowdown on it. It doesn't sound like this would be so quickly embrassed by
so many experienced fliers if the max number of fliers at any one time would
be 39.

And I got my AMA card a week ago.

On Dec 25, 2007 8:15 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Number of systems that can be in use simultaneously
> Spectrum  Airtronics      Futaba      Xtreme
>  39               38 (?)           ?             120
> Got these from the XtremePowerSystems site (letting the Christmas turkey
> settle to make room for pie and this was something I had been thinking
> for awhile, so decided to do a little Googling).
> Correct me if I am wrong but I believe the general modeler believed that
> with 2.4 all concerns for freq control were over....Millions could all be
> at once...there was the story about the huge heli event with hundreds of
> attendees most enjoying the freedom of 2.4....hmmmn.
> Did you all believe that the amount of 2.4 TXs on at once was almost
> unlimited?
> Here's another wrench in the freq paradise works....what about a mix of
> brands and systems?  Some using two channels at once, some hopping around.

> Regardless of the information encoding, radio waves are still radio waves,

> and can be shaded, mixed and diluted.
> How do you control 100+ contestants 2.4 TX's when there isn't any channel
> assignments?  Impound every TX and only let up to 39 of one brand at a
> From 50 channels controlled to 38 hopefully safe?
> Just wondering, if anyone else is wondering...oh yeah Merry Chrismas!
> I got my new AMA
> Gordy
> ________________________________
> See AOL's top rated recipes and easy ways to stay in shape for winter.
Steve Schneider
Buffalo Grove, IL

Steve Schneider
Buffalo Grove, IL

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