>he said that it was ok to fly electric but that the noise was kind of 

Good post, Mark.

It might be that he was not so much worried about the noise _per_se_, but 
that a "non-silent" plane flying at the field might set a bad precedent and 
attract (louder) glo-powered planes.

At Polo fields and Sod farms we walk on thin ice-- wonderful places to fly, 
but we don't want to do anything to jeopardize our continued use of the 


>From: Mark Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: John Derstine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ed Berris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  
>Subject: RE: [RCSE] Electrics at Glider fields
>Date: Fri, 4 May 2001 10:19:02 -0700 (PDT)
>I am a member and past VP of MRCSS, the same club to
>which Ed Berris belongs, although I now live some 4
>hours away and am not close to the day to day
>happenings there. Ed brought up this question in
>preparation for a meeting with the club Le' Grand
>Fromage last night. I am not sure what brought up this
>discussion within our club on having electrics at our
>club field but there are issues which could effect all
>of us. Our club is chartered as promoting the
>enjoyment of sailplane modeling and as such have no
>specific charter to promote electrics.
>We have some great flying fields in this club and have
>had outstanding relationships with the landowners for
>many years. It has taken a lot of good PR and common
>sense to keep what we have and our goal is not to
>loose the fields we fly at. It looks like there is no
>problem with the speed 600 30 second motor run floater
>type of electric sailplane but our fear seems to be
>with the high power high wing loading types. They can
>be just as annoying to some as a fueled airplane
>model. The question is how do you be fair about it?
>Why one and not the other and when exactly is the line
>crossed and who will be the judge. All tough
>What is the need to fly electric at our clubs fields
>when there is a sister club specifically for electrics
>locally with which there are many common members
>between both clubs.
>I also belong to MARCS here in Madison, WI and while
>the club is mostly power with it's own flying field,
>we also have an autonomous soaring contingent who fly
>at a local polo field. Last summer I was out flying my
>Zagi 400 at the polo field and the land owner came
>down to see if I was a member of the club. I assured
>him I was and it seemed his concern was the noise of
>the Zagi. He thought it was a fuel model and was
>surprised it was electric. After showing him the model
>and how it worked he said that it was ok to fly
>electric but that the noise was kind of worrisome. In
>our conversations I showed him my non powered
>sailplanes and did a walk through of what we did and
>how. He seemed like a good fellow with a genuine
>curiosity about our hobby. I expressed my enjoyment of
>the hobby and that it was my peaceful time and where I
>got many of life's enjoyments and thanked him for
>allowing me to do it on his property. He made a good
>point that we all must remember, that these times are
>also his time to relax and find peace from the weekday
>stress of life. I took that to mean we all must exist
>together and I now do not fly electric there for fear
>he will not give his permission to fly when the lease
>comes up for renewal.
>I agree there is a lot of knowledge and technology
>swapping that can take place, but when our ability to
>fly on someone else's property solely because of the
>nature of RC Soaring (read quiet and peaceful) can be
>compromised we have to be concerned.
>Mark Miller
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