I haven't really decided where I stand on this issue. This discussion is
good in that it helps me as well as others see various viewpoints and make
an informed decision. Not saying anyone is right or wrong let me throw out
this scenario. A pure chartered sailplane club decides to attract different
types of models and allow the members to fly electric models at their field.
Land owner agrees and a everyone is happy. After awhile some members say
"Let us fly fueled power planes too". Since we want to allow all types of
models we cannot be exclusionary or elitists so we allow this too. Land
owner agrees and everyone is happy again. After awhile the landowners
neighbors start to complain and the landowner decides to stop all flying at
the site. The sailplaners who had been flying there for many years with not
a problem now loose a stellar flying site.

I can't figure out if it is worth it to start down a potentially slippery
slope that may ultimately cost the club their site. Is it worth taking that
chance? Can the president of the club, who is sworn to uphold the existing
charter, do anything other than uphold that charter? Should the president
take those chances? Of course in the end it is up to the members to decide
what kind of club they want. They can vote to change the charter of course.
Power to the members, as it should be. At this time, under these
circumstances it would seem logical that the club has to stay as it is
currently chartered.

I cannot see how noise can not be in the equation. If my ears aren't
deceiving me elecrics make noise. Yes, it is less in some cases than flueled
models but they still make noise. Not having any statistics I would venture
to guess that noise, no matter how it is generated by models, is one of the
leading causes of the loss of flying fields or the cause of not being able
to get permission for a flying site in the first place.

I guess I should have told the landowner who rattled my cage for flying my
electric Zagi that he surely couldn't have been bothered by something not in
the equation and his ears were deceiving him. Not a good PR move there.

Don't get me wrong, I am neither for or against or calling anyone wrong or
right. I like playing devils advocate to see where the discussion leads.

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