Just to refocus those with short attention spans...
The original post said nothing about noise or gas planes, but simply
including non glider electrics at a glider field.
Now if noise is the issue, (which in this case I doubt was the line of
thinking), then each club needs to address their concerns for allowing other
types of models based on db levels. I understand that some glider clubs use
land where a no gas or no noise rule is part of the land use agreement.

That said, your argument still wreaks of elitism, let them go over there
away from us, they have their own space, etc. etc.

The point I try to make is I have heard so much from glider guys about how
power guys don't respect them, won't allow glider flying at their venues
etc. But now with an opportunity to rise above this attitude, we are
applying the same lame arguments  to any flying other than soaring.
With a little attitude adjustment and cooperation you might be surprised at
the result. We can ill afford, as R/C modelers, to "have it our way" at the
exclusion of all other forms of flight in the shrinking world of R/C flying.
Fields are disappearing, the modeler base is shrinking. To say screw the
other guy who cares, I have my field, is short sited and eventually self
Having spent five years getting permission to aerotow gliders at power
clubs, and seeing great results with the Canadian efforts to secure,(and
keep) sod farms with gas tow plane fueling areas, I am encouraged that a
spirit of cooperation is possible. In Europe, most clubs have all kinds of
modeling, there is no elitism or exclusiveness as a rule. they can not
afford the space to have separate fields for every kind of modeling.
The problem lies in the minds of men, not in any intrinsic incompatibility
of various forms of R/C flight.

-----Original Message-----

Our club is wrestling with the issue of allowing non-glider electrics at our
club field.  There are those members that feel the addition of electric
models will degrade the experience of silent flight.

I'd be interested in hearing how other clubs have dealt with this subject
and if electric models were allowed to be flown what was the impact on the
club.  Also how did you deal with the controversy if there was any?

>From: Mark Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: John Derstine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ed Berris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Subject: RE: [RCSE] Electrics at Glider fields
>Date: Fri, 4 May 2001 10:19:02 -0700 (PDT)
>I am a member and past VP of MRCSS, the same club to
>which Ed Berris belongs, although I now live some 4

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