David is right -

That was a Majestic he saw in my basement. It is the best wood kit I ever
built, the engineering and quality are great. The tail boom is not carbon, it
is some kind of glass, fairly heavy and a little flexible.

I did beef the spar up a little, but you don't really need to. I like to see
the expression on the face of a gorilla winch owner with a 300 LB test line
when I prove that my "wood" wing plane is capable of breaking his line. Don't
ask me what I did, it's silly and I'm embarrassed.

Every time I pick the fuselage up I think "I could build a lighter one with a
conventional tail that would be better." Then I go out and fly the silly
thing and forget that foolishness.

The stuff I see on today's RCSE caused me to go look at all the new stuff on
Laser Arts website. Guess I may have to build another wood wing plane soon...

happy trails - Rob Glover

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