At 11:41 PM 3/16/2002 -0500, you wrote:
> I just checked and it was .arc files that I was changing file (extension)
>names on. After changing the file extension from .arc to .cor these pulled
>up just fine in Compufoil, although my version is a later one than yours so
>not sure if this would work. This also may not work with the .dat files but
>I could have sworn I had some .dat files that I did this with also.
COR and DAT files are basically the same format.  My airfoil plot programs
can accept either one as long as long as they are in true COR or DAT
format.  Trouble is that some of the airfoils with a COR or DAT file naem
extension are not really in that format.  Before going to a lot of work, I
would try renaming a copy of the data file with a .cor file name extension
and see if it will run.  If not, then I have been able to edit some airfoil
data files in Excel and get them to work.  As a last resort, I have used
the Data Entry module to type in the coordinates if nothing else worked and
I really wanted to plot that particular airfoil.

Chuck Anderson

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