On Wed, 1 Jan 2003, Jim Monaco wrote:

>Other than the ability to store models at the PC or handheld and share them
>electronically, what good would a PC GUI be?  Do we actually think that you
>could set the parameters without actually seeing the effect on the control
>surfaces (and the flying)?  It seems to me that the geometry of all the
>linkages and the mounting of the servos makes it impractical to sit at a
>screen and get the desired results. As Mike L. said in another post, you
>would need detailed configuration data about the airplane and linkages to
>determine throws appropriately. I suppose you could do some screen thing
>that shows how the servos wiggle with different mixes and that might help
>learning to program, but it doesn't seem much more useful than sitting with
>the radio and the plane on and seeing what happens...

You have several good points here. Is there a way with any radio to have 
PC input = radio output?

Or more interestingly: can you "demonstrate" proper control while in 
"buddy box" mode, have the computer parse the input, then store it on both 
the Tx and hard drive?

In other words, 
1: pull rudder hard right, ailerons 4% left with sticks. 

2: Tell computer "This is launch mode on Model 3".

3: Upload that launch mode to Flash ROM.

>I would like to see a PC interface to store models from the Stylus card to
>the hard drive and vice versa though.

The irritating thing here is that I can't afford (and don't have any real 
use for) a radio of the caliber we're talking about. 

Unless someone knows something I don't about where to get them less 


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Tripp Meister [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 12:46 PM
>Cc: Craig Burton; RCSE
>Subject: RE: [RCSE] You gotta REALLY wanna do this!!!
>They already provide a way to get data in and out of the MPX TX so
>there's nothing new here just the documentation, which they already
>have.  It's as simple of pulling it out the specification and cutting
>out all but the format of the memory registers.
>Here's the issue, myself and a couple others on the list are willing to
>write new good software for no cost to the manufacturer the only thing
>that will really happen is give perspective customers 1 more reason to
>buy the TX (1 more feature).
>Maybe with Hitec's acquisition we migth be able to get some movement on
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 8:33 AM
>To: Tripp Meister
>Cc: Craig Burton; RCSE
>Think about the cost of just documenting and publishing the information
>for the data stored in the TX.  Remember that these guys have to write
>software in a pretty restrictive environment. To keep the cost down, you
>don't go overboard on memory and processor power.  The copying feature
>is just designed to copy the contents of the configuration from one
>place to the next.  If you are in a restrictive environment, that just
>means copying the data. You don't spend the time of making it portable
>from one TX model to a new TX model.  It's not like there are a few
>million of us to spread the engineering cost.
>Tripp Meister wrote:
>> Honestly, I wanted to write the software for myself.  If other wanted
>> to use it, I would always suggest testing the configuration completely
>> for your self (that whole bug in software stuff we all know so much
>> You'd think MPX, JR, Airtronics, and Futaba would want to let people
>> to write to the interface without reverse engineering the data stream.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Craig Burton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 3:09 PM
>> To: RCSE
>> Cc: Tripp Meister
>> I've had the same problem with the JR serial interface - there is no
>> API available from JR and the company that wrote "DataSafe" for JR is
>> not talking.
>> Without a well-documented API, developing PC-based solutions is
>> difficult from an engineering perspective (but a fun challenge).  But,
>> then, what about the human 'challenge':  how do you get your friends
>> to trust in your software enough to use it to load their Tx for their
>> $500+ aircraft...
>> that's probably even more difficult than writing the software in the
>> first place. ;)
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