You guys just don't get it. Since none of you seem to realize what someone who has a mind to do can accomplish using an R/C model, and especially an electric glider, I'll tell you.

You can easily use an electric glider as an accurate targeting anti-personnel weapon, and it'd be very effective against a small group of people (think of the president exiting his vehicle in the motorcade, surrounded by his security people). The types of explosives that are available and the materials you can wrap them can easily be carried inside the fuse and wings of any of our typical models. There are tiny, highly accurate, gps-based autopilot systems designed to be used with R/C gear that are easily available for purchase from several vendors that would make getting the model on a fixed target fairly easy.

I get security training on a regular basis because of my job and my eyes have been opened to more types of small, terrorist-devised weapons than I ever would have thought existed, plus all the ones I learned about over the years my father worked to develop for the military.

If you looked at your models and started thinking of all the ways you could use it as a weapon, then you'd realize just how nervous any security team would be to have you flying around anywhere near the "asset" they are trying to protect!

Keith McLellan
Gulfstream III, Challenger 601
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