> Apart from the battery aging causing its internal resistance started to
> go up (do Nicads do this?)(what load did you use to verify the battery
> capacity?) the only possiblity I can think of is that one or other of
> the surfaces had started binding. It doesn't take much to dramatically
> increase the current drawn by a servo.
> Martin Usher

When I cycled the battery, I used a Sirius SuperTest.  I talked to Larry Sribnick of SR Batteries this morning and he suggested that possibly one cell had gone bad and gave me a couple suggested tests which I'll do tonight.  I was wondering about binding but when I ran my current checks, I plugged one wing servo in at a time and noted the change in drain and they were all pretty much the same.  Also, on this last flight, I noticed an uncommanded flap deployment which in the past has been a sign of a weak battery.  While I've got the plane pretty much fixed up, I don't think I'll be flying it this weekend since I'm not real sure I trust the battery.

George Gillburg
Bakersfield, California

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