1. The power lines in question are on the west side of the road which runs along the west side of the field; the winds were from the east, so we were launching and landing west to east.
2.  We did notify Austin Energy about the incident, and they sent someone out to inspect.  They said that they had received a blip at their Dessau substation monitor, but that the power had not been interrupted more than instantaneously, and that they had not received any subsequent blips indicating a serious problem.  They did not receive any calls about the power interruption except the one I made to them.  They do have my telephone number to contact if there were to be some kind of a claim.
3.  I just ran a range check on a Hitec 555 receiver in my dlg Photon which was either inside or alongside my van which was one of the vehicles nearest the collision.  Receiver shows appropriate range.  I also tested the crystal that was in the Hitec Super Slim in the Ava, and it seems to work.  The Super Slim itself is toast (literally).  The battery pack from the Ava has been cycled and shows full capacity still - there was not much damage to contents at the front of the fuselage pod.
4.  I have several digital pictures of the remains of the Ava and of the power lines showing some blackness if anyone is interested.
Browne Goodwin

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