"In any given period of production the
  incomes generated in that period are
  less than the prices generated in THE
  SAME PERIOD. "  -- Victor Bridger
We seem to have a problem with the
above sentence.
We could change it slightly to say --
"... less than the prices generated
by  sale of the same production
This change would help people whose
mental image of the period of time, say
one month, included sales of stuff that
was produced in a previous period.
"Incomes generated in that period"
could give heart burn to people who
were thinking of "incomes generated
and or borrowed against collateral
in that period".  This could happen if
the heart burn victim was focused on
the idea of a time period   rather than
income from sale of a certain quantity
of production.
All of which goes to show how we are
separated   by a common   language.
Love and good nite to all.  Imagine if
two people had connected brains that
were accustomed to reaching a
congruent pair of images for the same
words and sentences. 
It's past one o'clock in the morning --
I got up to pee and had to peek at the
fuging   computer screen.  When Mailer
wrote Naked and the Dead   good
writers didn't spread fuck   around
the way movies and email do today.
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