I am not sure who the "We" is, but I can assure you I have no problem
You could change it but it would not be the same. If incomes generated in a particular period were $100 and prices generated were the cost of those incomes, plus profit to the final seller of say, $10, the final prices to be met is $110. If 10 items were produced at a cost of $10 each the final price is $11 each. The income to meet the total prices generated will allow for 9 items to be purchased (sold) amounting to $99. The income left is $1 to meet a price on 1 item of $11. Changing the wording will not overcome the problem. I stand by my statement and the rest of your argument is irrelevant.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 7:34 PM
Subject: Re: [SOCIAL CREDIT] Income and profits

"In any given period of production the
  incomes generated in that period are
  less than the prices generated in THE
  SAME PERIOD. "  -- Victor Bridger
We seem to have a problem with the
above sentence.
We could change it slightly to say --
"... less than the prices generated
by  sale of the same production
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