New System Thoughts

(Chick Hurst)


First and Foremost: Central Bank must be owned and controlled for the people by their government.


  1. Money is paid into existence from the Central Bank, directly to each and every man, woman and child by way of a dividend or minimum standard income. (This would allow money to percolate up from the people instead of “maybe” trickle down.  The money paid into society must be greater than the interest charged on loans made by the Banks and Credit Unions on loans made.)

  2. Infrastructure money (roads, schools, government office buildings, water and sewer, gas and power, public transit, whatever) is paid into existence directly from the Central Bank.

  3. Necessary services (education, health care) are paid into existence directly from the Central Bank.

  4. Emergency relief is paid directly out of the Central Bank.

  5. Legislation is passed to prevent price gouging.  (This is to prevent problems such as the raising of prices on the electrical generators during the cleanup after the ice storm in Quebec or for example charging excessive amounts for boat services during a flood etc.)

  6. Taxation is only be used as a method of extracting from society excess cash, so that it does not cause rampant inflation, by taxing cash transactions above $1,000 to the amount of .25% (1/4 of 1%).  (This may be too high or the $1,000 may be too low but it can be adjusted.)

  7. Governing requirements is be done at the level closest to the people for the specific requirements.  {Example: Federal system will be responsible for the Central Bank, National Defence and/or supplying personnel for emergency requirements, etc, and National Systems, Arts and Culture.  Region (State, Province, Canton or Constituency: will be responsible for regional responsibilities, ensuring funding of Schools and education, health care, roads, Arts and Culture.  Local or Municipal: for local affairs, mass transit, sewer and water, electricity and gas, libraries, Arts and Culture, etc.}

  8. Banks and Credit Unions are all able to operate on the same basis (my preference would be that all banks should be co-operatives, owned and controlled by the depositors, the same as a Credit Union) and lend money for everything that is required in society, homes, vehicles, business, etc.

  9. Freedom of enterprise is be the standard.  That is the freedom of all forms of business to operate, Private Enterprise, Publicly traded Enterprise, Co-operative Enterprise, Partnership Enterprise, and Government Enterprise to provide services that are not provided otherwise or to keep the other enterprise systems honest.

  10. Democracy, for the people, by the people, of the people and with the people, is be the form of government, with absolute equality before the law and respect for all people regardless of Colour, Religion, Sex or sexual orientation, Social Standing and founded on the principles that:

                                                          A)      The individual is the most important factor in organized society, with both spiritual and physical potentials and needs and has certain inalienable rights and responsibilities within society which must be respected and preserved.

                                                           B)      The major function of a democratic government in organized society is to secure for the people the results the people want from the management of their public affairs as far as such results are physically possible and morally right;

                                                          C)      Each individual must be secure in the knowledge that he or she is worthy, respected, equal and free, and that the freedom to choose one’s destiny is an inalienable right.

                                                          D)      Whatever is physically possible and desirable and morally right, should be made financially possible.

                                                           E)      All forms of Totalitarianism which make the individual subservient to the state must be opposed.

                                                           F)      The values of self-help, self-responsibility, equality, honesty, openness, social responsibility, and caring for others.

  1. {Keep it simple}
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