Hi Bradley,

What about transferring the weights on a cav map (script or direct paint on
it ?), creating a group of siobjects and keep a relationship between both
by the display color <-> color at vertex (smooth weights should not be that
easy to process, but at least absolute ones should be ... ) ??

Another solution could be a 'userdatamap' ('facerobot' uses some to store
extra envelopes informations for custom ops) mixed with a cav map.
This last idea would be the same as applying an envelope, painting it,
creating a group to keep a track to the deformers, duplicating the envelope
cluster and it's map, and finally freezing.

just some thoughts,

2012/4/17 Bradley Gabe <witha...@gmail.com>

> I'd like to be able to use the envelope weighting workflow to control a
> custom ICE deformer, rather than an envelope op.
> The hacky way to do this is to mute the envelope operator, but I was
> wondering if anyone has figured out a more direct way to get access to the
> weight painting workflow without applying the envelope deformation.
> -B

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