Good luck to you and everyone else... I truly cant thank all of you enough for the amazing ride softimage has been.

All this does make me sad, but I hope something good comes out of it.... ohh and please make maya less stupid ;)
*Greg Punchatz*
*Sr. Creative Director*
214.823.7760 <>

On 4/19/2012 3:38 PM, Chris Marshall wrote:
Well good luck Chin! I'm slightly sad to hear you've moved on. There was never anyone with more passion and raw enthusiasm for Sumatra/XSI/Softimage than you! Respect!!

On Thursday, 19 April 2012, Jason Brynford-Jones wrote:

    Well like most others on the team who have posted, I too will be
    working with them on something new.  Softimage is mature enough
    now and in very capable hands.

    While we will no longer be working on Softimage, we are all still
    here to help if the occasion arises.

    As you have seen, we are still on this list ;-)


    From: <javascript:;>
    [ <javascript:;>] On
    Behalf Of Christian Gotzinger
    Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 3:55 PM
    To: <javascript:;>
    Subject: Re: Intro to the new team (was RE: Softimage development)

    My god, what an awful thought. Chinny, please post!
    On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 9:10 PM, Stefan Andersson
    < <javascript:;><
    <javascript:;>>> wrote:
    Is Chinny still there? :) When he leaves, that's when you can panic.



Chris Marshall
Mint Motion Limited
029 2002 5762
07730 533 115 <>

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