GO Chun-Pong! GO team Singapore! Make my beloved softimage even better than those pesky french canadians ever could ;) Show us what you can do! You have big shoes to fill!

To the folks moving to Maya.... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if you happen to be working on ICE for Maya, please make it as close to ICE in soft as you can , so us old softies will have a leg up on the Maya guys when its released.... that and for the love of god give us a soft interaction model :)

*Greg Punchatz*
*Sr. Creative Director*
www.janimation.com <http://www.janimation.com>

On 4/19/2012 4:38 PM, Graham Bell wrote:
Jeez, com guys, these posts make for depressing reading.
Whilst some will see this as the ‘end’, it’s also the start of something new. 
Everything has got to change over time and Softimage (nee XSI) is no different. 
I don’t see the point in wallowing, the best thing now would be to give as much 
support as possible to Chun-Pong and his team.

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