ya, children() method of a QObject returns a QList which has the at()
method and the index operator.

as jo said, this plugin was incomplete, i think it is actually safe to
remove the listener code as you did first. as long as the python code for
sending key events doesn't become a performance bottleneck i dont see the
need to port this to cpp.


On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 10:54 AM, Tony Barbieri <great...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey Jo,
> Thanks for the welcome and reply!
> I totally understand.  I'm not sure where the debug info is coming from,
> but I did manage to *solve* it by changing one line in your demo code.  I
> noticed that in the VK_UP case statement you had put:
> QApplication::sendEvent(sianchor->children().at(i), &e);
> And in the VK_DOWN case statement you had:
> QApplication::sendEvent(sianchor->children()[i], &e);
> Changing the VK_UP statement to match the VK_DOWN statement does make the
> debug info go away but I haven't tested to make sure that it is even being
> called correctly anymore.  No errors are thrown so I am assuming it is ok.
>  I'm also not sure what the difference with using .at vs using [n] is.
> I don't consider this solved, but it does make the print statement go away
> for now.
> Thanks again for the reply and for sharing your technique!
> Best,
> -tony
> On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 1:34 PM, jo benayoun <jobenay...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> hey Tony,
>> welcome aboard.  I did not find any explicit message that would match
>> what you get (I quickly grep the source code, this would deserve much more
>> investigations).
>> As you're the first one to report this kind of problem, and as you have
>> compiled pyside, Ive emitted the idea that it could be one of the qt source
>> numerous debug messages because of a debug flag accidentally turned on for
>> compilation.  Even if I wish, I can't really help on that one, I miss time
>> because of the job and my other commitments but feel free to use my email
>> anytime ...
>>  For completeness, the code in cpp you can find in the plugin has been
>> put there to show the way I did my personal qt integration when people were
>> asking how ... Ive always warned and repeated about the fact that this is
>> what it is, a demo code ... Ive been just too busy (or maybe lazy) to
>> release the complete thing I guess.  besides, I've not worked that much
>> with pyside in softimage, mainly because when I wrote the code, pyside
>> wasnt even in beta and studios are still committed to riverbank ... but
>> considering the only major difference between pyqt and pyside is the vendor
>> and the binding generator, this doesn't change anything on its usage with
>> the plugin nor with the way I used to integrate qt into proprietary
>> softwares ...
>>  -- jo
>> 2012/10/16 Tony Barbieri <great...@gmail.com>
>>> Hey Steven,
>>> I just joined the list this morning so I could join in the conversation.
>>>  Do you happen to know if Jo found that in the actual Qt source code or in
>>> PySide?
>>> I compiled both debug and release but compiled PySide against the
>>> release .dlls.
>>> Thanks!
>>> -tony
>>> so, you guys are compiling it yourself... maybe with debug mode on? jo
>>> just grep'd the qt code base and found debug message with "caught" in it
>>> On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 4:54 PM, Steven Caron <car...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> oh nice!
>>>> On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 4:46 PM, Bradley Gabe <witha...@gmail.com>
>>>>  wrote:
>>>>> Tony said he didn't have to do any "work" to get PySide going. He just
>>>>> compiled the latest version...
>>> --
>>> -tony
> --
> -tony

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