Trying it again directly in the script editor, this line actually does
work, just not in the context of the plugin for some reason:

oDef.InputParamDefs.GetParamDefByName("reflectivity").DefaultValue = 0.3

Either way, it's working now, but I can't figure out how to change a color
value such as the diffuse color and possibly other more complex properties.
I really can't find any reference to these objects in the SDK. The only
thing that works is assigning single numbers, how do you assign a color to

Sorry if this is obvious ;)

On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 3:50 PM, Arvid Björn <> wrote:

> Great! I was a bit confused by the example as it did it all on one line of
> code. This wouldn't work:
> oDef.InputParamDefs.GetParamDefByName( "reflectivity" ).DefaultValue = 0.3
> I'll try yours, thanks!
> On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 3:32 PM, Stephen Blair <>wrote:
>>  Hi
>> If you wanted to change the default value, you do something like this:
>> from siutils import si        # Application
>> from siutils import log        # LogMessage
>> from siutils import disp    # win32com.client.Dispatch
>> from siutils import C        # win32com.client.constants
>> # Get ShaderDef for the Environment shader
>> sProgID = "Softimage.mia_material_phen.1.0"
>> oDef = si.GetShaderDef( sProgID )
>> # Get ShaderParamDef for the Tranformation parameter
>> oReflectivity = oDef.InputParamDefs.GetParamDefByName( "reflectivity" )
>> # Change the default value
>> oReflectivity.DefaultValue = 0.333
>> On 09/01/2013 8:58 AM, Arvid Björn wrote:
>> Honestly didn't know that existed, but I'd rather have it as a plugin on
>> the workgroup so I can keep it general across our workstations and future
>> versions, thanks though. =)
>>  On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 2:39 PM, César Sáez <> wrote:
>>> Or just use the preset manager :)
>>> On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 2:33 PM, Arvid Björn <>wrote:
>>>> Thanks, sounds good! A default scene takes care of everything except
>>>> default shader definitions.
>>>> Can't get it to work though, I'm using the example in that article to
>>>> try and change the architectural shader, but using the examples and looking
>>>> through the SDK I can't figure out how to actually set the values, which
>>>> method or syntax should I use?
>>>>     if "Softimage.mia_material_phen.1.0" in sProgID:
>>>>         oDef.InputParamDefs.GetParamDefByName( "reflectivity" ) --> ???
>>>>  On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 12:02 PM, Stephen Blair <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> You could use events eg OnNewScene.
>>>>> Or create your own presets?
>>>>> I'd avoid editing the factory SPDLs and presets (I think you can
>>>>> probably find a number of posts from Luc-Eric about defaults and spdls and
>>>>> the factory location)
>>>>> For shaders, you can use events to override SPDL defaults with a
>>>>> OnCreateShaderDef
>>>>> On 09/01/2013 5:20 AM, Arvid Björn wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Is it possible to change default settings of the rendering ppg,
>>>>>> architectural shader settings, geo approx, lights etc?
>>>>>> There are so many things that I constantly edit because the default
>>>>>> settings isn't really up to date. I've made a few script buttons for it,
>>>>>> but I'd rather just have different default settings.
>>>>>> I'd be interested in hearing how you all solve this on a daily basis.
>>>>>> Can you dig up the SPDLs and just edit those? Could it even be put in a
>>>>>> workgroup so it works globally?
>>>>>> Cheers

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