Hi Raff

Our university course is in South Africa. Streaming from anywhere except 
Digital Tutors (which is stil not great but manageable) is a disaster. We would 
really like the option to be able to buy the course and setup someway of 
allowing our students to stream it locally (as I wouldnt want to give them 
direct access to the file - that would just be asking for trouble)

Do you know if there are any plans for something similar? I know we are not the 
only place of learnign that has issues with this.

Kind regards

From: Raffaele Fragapane [raffsxsil...@googlemail.com]
Sent: 10 April 2013 06:44 AM
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
Subject: Re: set raycast direction with a Null?

In principle I'm not fond of the idea of assuming everybody is a pirate and 
forcing these always online models on people, so no argument there. They did 
have a case for it it turns out, but (again in principle) I would have rather 
have opted out of it and risked losing a few sales, it wasn't possible though.

The player is ok, that I can tell you, they wrap Vimeo's very thinly, and 
Vimeo's is a fairly good, html 5 capable player. No way around not being able 
to see the video if you're offline though for now (again going by the 
assumption they are online only), and that -is- annoying, and has kept me away 
from a couple resources too.

It might be possible to rip them with some videograbbing site or streamcatch 
software, it's just an mp4 managed h264 stream at the end of the day, or if you 
know personally any of my ex-alumni they might have the original downloadables 
around, but I wouldn't know, and it'd be that gray area where you have to 
decide for yourself whether it's ethical or not.
You wouldn't be offending me for ripping my vids to file if you bought them, I 
can tell you that much :p

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 2:02 PM, Sam 
<sbowl...@cox.net<mailto:sbowl...@cox.net>> wrote:
Thanks Raff. I understand about the problem with Piracy, but some of the 
players these guys come up with are truly terrible and make it very difficult 
to navigate the videos. That’s my only real concern with streaming, well, that 
and if my internet goes out in middle of me watching the video.

I loved the visuals in Sucker Punch, but I did think the story could have been 
better. It is still worth watching, just for the amazing visuals.

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