Hi Steven,

I managed to compile and create a Windows installer for PySide 1.1.3 using Qt 4.8.4, VS2010 and Python 2.7.4, all x64. For a quick test I also modified the PyQtForSoftimage Python scripts to use the PySide libs instead of PyQt and I was able to run the ExampleDialog and ExampleSignalSlot Examples that come with your addon. The ExampleMenu example throws an error when clicking on one of the menu items from the popup, it looks like PySide expects a slightly different syntax, which should be fixable:

TypeError: 'PySide.QtGui.QMenu.exec_' called with wrong argument types:
#   PySide.QtGui.QMenu.exec_(int, int)
# Supported signatures:
#   PySide.QtGui.QMenu.exec_()
# PySide.QtGui.QMenu.exec_(list, PySide.QtCore.QPoint, PySide.QtGui.QAction = None) # PySide.QtGui.QMenu.exec_(list, PySide.QtCore.QPoint, PySide.QtGui.QAction, PySide.QtGui.QWidget) # PySide.QtGui.QMenu.exec_(PySide.QtCore.QPoint, PySide.QtGui.QAction = None)

Besides that it's looking good.

How far did you get, and is there anything else to consider?

Also, I don't want to rush ahead, but if it's of any use to you or any one else (and legal, I suppose?) I can put that installer (or just shiboken.pyd) and maybe even the modified Plugin scripts up for download for people to experiment with in the mean time. I also thought of documenting the build process (also as a reminder for me should I ever have to do this again), since most of the info is scattered all over the net and there are likely others who need to compile themselves too at some point and could save a lot of time with all info in one place. Let me know what you think.

iicky... i will just provide an installer which is just their build system run vanilla. which includes shiboken... for now until they get it together.

On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 7:24 PM, Luc-Eric Rousseau <luceri...@gmail.com>wrote:

you could take the pyside dlls from a maya 2014 install, we figured all of
those compilation issues. they're compiled for python 2.7 and vc2010.
 these dlls won't work with python 2.6

On Monday, May 13, 2013, Stefan Kubicek wrote:

SI2014 looks quite attractive due to all the bug fixes, so 2.7.4 it will
be for me soon.
I don't know if it's ok to mix Python versions, e.g. use Shiboken
compiled against 2.6.x in a 2.7.x environment,
but even if it works I'd just feel...uneasy, never knowing if the next
cryptic error message is due to mixing
versions, or my own fault.

 well that is what we are sorting out. if we need to compile our own
version/installer then guess what? the PySide license allows me to do

That's exactly what made me look into PySide too. The license is very
"copyleft" (if that's the right term).

               Stefan Kubicek
           keyvis digital imagery
          Alfred Feierfeilstraße 3
       A-2380 Perchtoldsdorf bei Wien
         Phone:    +43/699/12614231
      www.keyvis.at  ste...@keyvis.at
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