Oh I do. I do wish you the best of luck ;) Just never had a commercial
company ever take a petition seriously. If it doesn't seriously affect the
bottom line its just not relevant.

On 2013/07/29 11:34 AM, "Eugen Sares" <sof...@mail.sprit.org> wrote:

>That depends on how many people utter their interest in this.
>Hope you see the dependancy-cycle...
>Am 29.07.2013 11:25, schrieb Angus Davidson:
>> Hi Eugen
>> Whilst I respect your enthusiasm I unfortunately suspect I will get my
>> Softimage version before any upgrade to the nurbs tools happen. ;(
>> Kind regards
>> Angus
>> On 2013/07/29 11:18 AM, "Eugen Sares" <sof...@mail.sprit.org> wrote:
>>> Dear respected members of this community,
>>> since I am confident that progress on NURBS tools and SDK would be
>>> beneficial for a relevant part of the Softimage userbase, and it seems
>>> to be useless to just ask in the beta, I'm starting this petition:
>>> s
>>> ... for which I kindly ask support from anybody that sees an advantage
>>> in this!
>>> Thanks a lot!!
>>> Best regards,
>>> Eugen
>>> Here's the text I put on that change.org page:
>>> "Working with NURBS is still awkward due to a number of bugs and
>>> restrictions in Softimage and it's SDK.
>>> Since NURBS are and will continue to be a viable geometry type useful
>>> for many worflows, they should be subject to an upgrade, which last
>>> happened in version 5.0, about 8 years ago!
>>> Improvement list, sorted by importance:
>>> - fix NURBS related bugs as has been reported in the beta,
>>> - support subcurves and subsurfaces in SDK and existing tools - as
>>> consistently as polygon islands,
>>> - improve the operator SDK, to allow seamless integration of custom
>>> tools, including NURBS,
>>> - add support for NURBS in ICE Modeling,
>>> - add new NURBS tools (once a fully capable SDK is provided, this can
>>> done by 3rd parties also),
>>> - ideally, introduce T-Spline technology (owned by Autodesk).
>>> Affected areas:
>>> - curve to polygon modeling, like 3D text, logos, mechanical parts,
>>> floorplans, cross-sections, spline cages,...
>>> - ICE based procedural modeling and rigging approaches for more complex
>>> animations and visualizations,
>>> - better import/editing/modeling of technical geometry like cars,
>>> objects,...
>>> To Cory Mogk -
>>> Why NURBS should be improved:
>>> First, Softimage users should not be forced to switch to other
>>> applications just for basic curve/surface modeling.
>>> Curves in particular, as they represent 2D-geometry, will always be
>>> fundamental in 3D graphics.
>>> Second, ICE support for NURBS would lay the foundation for new
>>> procedural modeling/rigging workflows that would make Softimage
>>> competitive in that field.
>>> Understandably, the Softimage developers are under time and monetarian
>>> restictions, so only high priority features get realized, mostly
>>> introcuded by bigger studios, and often behind 'closed doors'.
>>> Yet those studios rarely request any NURBS features. The reason might
>>> not even be that better NURBS would be useless to them, but because
>>> mostly can choose from a wider variety of tools, and often stick to
>>> internal proven workflows.
>>> Yet the other huge part of the userbase, small studios/freelancers,
>>> would profit directly from better NURBS, but easily go unnoticed.
>>> Polygon modeling based on curves is an important and reasonable
>>> complement to the already good modeling tools in Softimage, but is
>>> unnecessarily complicated and restricted, and this petition is meant to
>>> show that the interest is there.
>>> So please improve NURBS again and thus boost Softimage's usability in
>>> that area a great deal!
>>> Thank you!"
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