I was about to say this as well. Save at frame 1. Mute all your viewport before opening. I had the same issue lately with Momentum (Supressing the whole simulation re-made the scene stable) (though, in your case it could be different reasons of course). You could save your icetree in a big compound, delete your environments, save your scene (without any sim) and re-past your compounds in fresh new pointclouds.

I just hate when SI does this...

Le 24/10/2013 17:40, Luc-Eric Rousseau a écrit :
I'm pretty sure he tired merging. in anycase, whatever you do try to
be at frame 1 when you do it. there could be issues if you are not

On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 11:20 AM, David Barosin <dbaro...@gmail.com> wrote:
merge the scene rather than load it.  It might give you a fresh sim

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