The only reason that anyone should use the Maya layout is for animation in
my opinion. Keying tools are at your finger tips then. For normal day to
day stuff, the Softimage default layout (with some minor customization) is
the way to go.

Eric Thivierge

On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 10:09 PM, CatalinM Nistor <
> wrote:

> Chances are you've been told this before, but on the off chance you
> haven't - learning to work in the Softimage's interaction/hotkeys way will
> pay off in a very near future.
> There are many reasons people prefer Softimage over other software and
> this is one of them.
> Using shortcuts for different sub-objects modes is extremely useful:
> - T for point
> - Y (rectangle) and U (raycast) for poly
> - E (rectangle) and 'i' (raycast) for edge
> - when in rectangle mode (regardless of sub-object) pressing shift+F10
> will activate a rectangle-raycast hybrid mode. Just try it if you don't
> know what I'm talking about

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