I don't think anyone has mentioned this yet, but I think it's because
you are inspecting the PPG in siModal mode.
siModal will give you a box to say OK or Cancel, but yes, changes are
not reflected live in the scene. This is what modal means.

On 05/11/13 21:59, Christian Gotzinger wrote:
> Hi list,
> My script generates a bevel operator on an object. I then want a PPG
> to pop up that allows the user to change certain parameters of the
> bevel operator. These parameters should update whenever the values in
> the PPG are changed. However, they only update after the PPG is closed
> via OK. Can someone point me in the right direction here?
> Script is roughly as follows:
> # Lots of stuff after which a bevel operator (op) is generated
> MyPSet = A.ActiveSceneRoot.AddProperty("CustomProperty", False,
> "Bevel_Options")
> MyLayout = MyPSet.PPGLayout
> MyPSet.AddParameter3("PBevelRatio", c.siFloat, 10, 0.01, 100)
> MySlider = MyLayout.AddItem("PBevelRatio", "Ratio", c.siControlNumber)
> A.InspectObj(MyPSet, "", "Choose Bevel Options", c.siModal, False)
> op.Parameters("ratio").Value = MyPSet.Parameters("PBevelRatio").Value
> Thank you
> Christian

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