Someone said they were going to try Amazon EC2 but no results posted yet.

On 1/8/2014 10:00 AM, Dan Yargici wrote:
Anyone tried using gpubox with Redshift?

On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 3:55 PM, Stephen Davidson < <>> wrote:

    +1 here. Redshift is faster on one machine than Mentalray on two
    of the same CPU (i7 950)
    and I am using a Nvidia Quadro FX 3800 (older card)
    I would imagine multiple CUDA cards would be lightning fast.
    Redshift is also so well integrated into Softimage. Very little
    learning to be up and running in a short time.
    Basically, just a few custom shaders, the rest are the existing

    Well worth the $100 Beta and then $300 more when the first release
    comes out.
    The tech support is outstanding. I was an Alpha user. Very happy.

    On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 10:55 PM, Emilio Hernandez
    < <>> wrote:

        Hey Sebastian have you tried Redshift. The beta is only 100USD
        and it works like a charm, it is full integrated into
        Softimage and unless you are going to do Hair or Strands it is
        worth every penny.  Specially for a one man show.  Forget
        about CPU and use the GPU.

        In my case I can continue working while I am rendering and
        that is surely a big added value.

        Faster than MR and faster than Arnold, and zero flickering
        with GI in animation.

        2014/1/7 Sebastien Sterling <

            9000€... it's going to be tough, but your worth it :)

            On 6 January 2014 13:34, Sven Constable
            <>> wrote:

                Maybe true but one thing to keep in mind is you don't
                have to spend extra money for mental ray (at least no
                significant amount). For one man shows like me mr is
                still useful. I use it on a small farm with 8 nodes
                plus the workstation. Switching to arnold will cost me
                9000€ . Thats roughly the same cost that my whole DCC
                apps are about. I see mr like I see the's
                does not compete to nuke but it's integrated in soft
                and already there.  I agree that there aren't any
                reasons to stay with mr except the the expense factor
                and legacy things.


                -----Original Message-----
                <>] On
                Behalf Of Tim Leydecker
                Sent: Monday, January 06, 2014 12:12 PM
                Subject: Re: rumor, Soft dead within the next year

                Now while we are at it.

                I´m currently preparing assets that need to be free of
                3rd party functionality.

                This means I have to set them up with a mR shading
                network to start folks off with.

                mental ray. The common thing between 3DSMax, Maya and


                Kill it.

                It´s not getting anyone anywhere anymore. I don´t want
                to discuss details or legacy reasons.

                Kill it. It´s over. It won´t come back.

                Selling three different DCC apps that actually share
                the fact that you will first have to invest in a 3rd
                party renderer to get something looking half way
                decent out of them can´t be the most ideal situation
                but a pretty nice way of creating an industry standard
                of wasting people´s life with forcing them in personal

                What a crap.


                Provide a renderer that actually works as advertised.
                Or don´t make me pay for that mR crap.


                On 06.01.2014 11:38, Graham Bell wrote:
                > Ah, the Dreamcast, a fine console but flawed form
                the beginning. The tech was ok, but really just a pc
                and essentially the predecessor to the Xbox.
                > The problem with the Dreamcast was that it launched
                right in the middle of when a lot of developers were
                looking to retool for the PS2. People were caught in
                the middle of whether to go short for the Dreamcast,
                or go long for the PS2. Most went with the PS2 and
                then eventually the Xbox.
                > On the Soft and Maya usability front, personally I
                don't mind both, but then I've always been used to
                jumping between the two, even back in the Power
                Animator and Soft3d days.
                > I've often heard that Maya is hard to learn, or its
                UI is tricky, but I think this is one of those myths.
                It's really no better, or worse than any other package
                to learn really. The one thing to remember about Maya,
                is that it's very open, it was designed that way. So
                there can be different (some would say to many) ways
                to do the same thing. Also, Maya has a lot of
                preferences, so you can actually change many things,
                including the UI. It's mastering those things, that
                can often be the trick. I still see people now, some
                experienced Maya vets, who aren't using the hotbox or
                marking menus correctly and they can be key to Maya's
                UI and usability.
                > However I'd still like some Softimage fairy dust
                sprinkled on some of
                > Maya's UI though. Now when it comes to Max, don't get me
                > started.......:-)
                > From:
                > [
                <>] On
                Behalf Of Dan
                > Yargici
                > Sent: 06 January 2014 09:44
                > To:
                > Subject: Re: rumor, Soft dead within the next year
                > Softimage is the Dreamcast of DCC apps.
                > Playstation had the slick marketing, Dreamcast had
                the tech but got chewed to pieces by the Playstation
                hype machine and Playstation won.  When Sega finally
                gave up on the console business every man and his dog
                came out singing the praises of the Dreamcast.
                > On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 11:21 AM, Stefan Kubicek
                <>>> wrote:
                > Is it just my biased point of view that all studios
                that closed or filed for bancruptcy last year were
                Maya based?
                > It could of course be that there are more Maya based
                studios closing than Softimage based ones simply
                because there are more Maya based studios, but I still
                smell a pattern there.
                > I always felt that the number of  users on Softimage
                is directly related to marketing efforts. I remember
                Alias/Wavefront doing a remarkable job in the early
                days of Maya in this regard. I never saw anything like
                that happening for Softimage at any time of it's
                > Ultimately, there are only two types of 3D artists:
                those who use Softimage, and those who have never
                tried. -> Get more prople to seriously try it.
                > So guys, I spent a weekend working with Maya...HOW
                > This is the same question I always ask myself after
                using Maya when required...  and Maya being the
                "Industry Standard" makes you understand so many
                things about the industry standards...
                > 2014/1/6 Szabolcs Matefy
                > <
                > So guys, I spent a weekend working with Maya...HOW
                > Ok, I can use Maya, I have a quite solid background
                working with Maya,
                > but seriously guys...It's so overcomplicated, and
                > Softimage almost everything is just fine (OK, we
                need development),
                > but in Maya, the easiest task takes quite long
                compared to
                > SI...Finally I found myself fixing UVs, Unfolding,
                etc. in
                > Softimage...Anyway, I need some samples in Maya, so
                I take a big
                > breath, and continue working with Maya...But
                seriously, Softimage is
                > way better in many point of view. It has no artisan,
                has no PaintFX,
                > but for example rendering is way faster (with MR),
                shading setup is
                > way faster, modeling is lot faster, and so on. So I
                really don't
                > understand, how come that Softimage is not
                acknowledged at all. I
                > swear guys, that I'll spread the Word of Softimage
                > Cheers
                > Szabolcs
                > From:
                > <>>
                > [
                <>>] On Behalf Of Henry
                > Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 8:18 PM
                > To:
                > >
                > Subject: Re: rumor, Soft dead within the next year
                > Good thing I asked.
                > On 01/04/2014 05:40 PM, Stephen Blair wrote:
                > Softimage doesn't support Python 3.x
                > On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 3:26 PM, Henry Katz
                <>>> wrote:
                > Steve,
                > No issues with python 3.3 as well, before I bruise
                my knuckles on the bleeding edge?
                > Cheers,
                > Henry
                > On 01/03/2014 02:47 AM, Steven Caron wrote:
                > really?
                > install pyqt
                > set softimage to use system python, uncheck...
                > file>preferences>scripting>use python installed with
                softimage run the example scripts pyqtforsoftimage
                plugin provides. or just 'import PyQt4'
                > s
                > On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 10:27 PM, Angus Davidson
                <>>> wrote:
                > A non nonsense guide to installing pYQT would be
                great. So many great tools are never used because
                people cant get past trying to get the install to work.
                > --
                > -------------------------------------------
                > Stefan Kubicek
                > -------------------------------------------
                > keyvis digital imagery
                > Alfred Feierfeilstraße 3
                > A-2380 Perchtoldsdorf bei Wien
                > Phone: +43/699/12614231
                > -- This email and its attachments are --
                --confidential and for the
                > recipient only--

    Best Regards,
    *  Stephen P. Davidson**
    **(954) 552-7956

    /Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic/

                             - Arthur C. Clarke


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