+1 David.G,(single tear)

Another beautiful feature of softimage, which must get taken for granted,
as i've never seen it brought up in comparison:

 isn't it nice... to be able to hide components (poly's,islands)? just
select a group of faces and H its gone !!! but you get to keep the other
stuff in the scene ?! to be able to hide elements when you're modelling or
skinning (e.g mouth interior) or even animating ?!, in Soft this is really
intuitive, and dare i say it...Fun?

it seems like such a small thing i know, but i really feel its done well:

I like the fact that other selection do not affect hidden faces, unless i
use Proportional modelling.
I like the fact that when i DO use prop modelling it gives me a nice visual
representation of the verts in the hidden area I'm about to modify.
I like the fact I can't accidentally select hidden faces.
I like the fact I can select through hidden faces as if i had deleted them.
I like the fact I can hide clusters
I like the fact I can hide things at any moment during workflow.
I like the fact it's all as simple as pressing H and SHIFT/CTRL H out of
the box.

I'm aware this may seem like a really dumb thing to like in a DCC, in spite
of none of this being available in Maya.

I'm sure Maya users have learned to cope with what they have in this area.
key word being "cope".

People can flaunt the merits of node based workflows, and fully
customisable gui's till the cows come home.

But if you can't even get this tiny infinitesimal shard of user experience
right then good lord, I'm at a loss for a punchline.

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