We instance like crazy in games. Keeps the memory foot print down (just like 
rendering) however we still need to battle draw calls. One game I worked on had 
memory super low and we were doing great but our draw calls went through the 
roof and our frames per second went way way down. So we had to balance our 
memory and draw calls delicately to ensure we weren't over memory but were 
maintaining a consistent 30 frames per second.

God help those that run at 60 fps like Call of Duty. That's a tough business. 
That's why profiling tools are critical (like PIX on Windows).

Marc Brinkley
343 Industries
Microsoft Studios
marc.brinkley [at] microsoft.com

From: softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com 
[mailto:softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com] On Behalf Of Eric Thivierge
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 12:37 PM
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
Subject: Re: Survey - how would you do this?

I meant that Matt was going to say that you can't instance stuff as one 
additional restriction...
On 2/11/2014 3:28 PM, Emilio Hernandez wrote:
Well not $10 bucks but a sample scene will say yes.



2014-02-11 14:19 GMT-06:00 Tim Leydecker 
Do it by hand.

Create null in center of Planet.

Call it Parent_Mom.

Create Volume Previz Torus Helper.

Create Asteroid in Origin.

Create Null.

Name Null Asteroid_P001.

Parent Asteroid to Asteroid_P001.

Animate Asteroid Rotation (its tumbling) in Origin.

Snap Asteroid_P001 to Torus.

Parent Asteroid_P001 to Parent_Mom.

Duplicate Asteroid_P001, resulting in Asteroid_P002.

Snap Asteroid_P002 to Torus.

Create Null, call it Parent_Spin.

Parent Parent_Mom to Parent_Spin.

Animate Rotation (Y) of Parent_Spin.

Create Null, name it Parent_Dad.

Name Planet Forever21Planet, parent Forever21 and Parent_Spin to Parent_Dad.

Duplicate Asteroid_P002 as often as you need and snap to Torus.

Duplicate Parent_Spin, rename Parent_Spin_faster. Adjust Animation to spin 

Delete any Asteroids you donĀ“t like, offset animations where neccessary or 

Rinse, repeat.


On 11.02.2014 20:23, Matt Lind wrote:
The question:

but how do you apply the random jitter to the object positions?

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