Fabric Engine is an option for rigging / anim, though you'd still have to use Maya as your application for editing your animation and building your control structures but all your solvers would be in KL. When Fabric Engine comes out with more integrations (Max, Houdini?) the tech will port over pretty much 1 to 1.

Eventually you'll be able to roll your own full application (it's even an option now) you just need the time and money to do it.

Eric T.

On Thursday, February 27, 2014 11:02:10 AM, Andy Nicholas wrote:
  I notice that no one's mentioned Fabric Engine yet. I'm wondering what their
future plans are at the moment.

Yep, I would love Houdini to develop to a place where it's capable of dealing
with modelling, rigging, and animation in an artist friendly way. All credit to
you Jordi in trying to push SideFX in the right direction. Honestly, you seem to
have boundless energy to drive these revolutions!

IMHO, in order for Houdini to succeed, I think they need to split their
interface into two. The "dev" interface where you deal with nodes, etc. to build
rigs, procedural modelling, tools, FX, etc. and then have an "artist" interface
where they get to model stuff in a conventional way, animate rigs, etc. Only
then will it really take off. Nodes are great, but only in certain situations.

Until then, I think Maya + Houdini is the way to go. There's too much artist
availability out there at the moment to go any other way, but I wish it wasn't


On 27 February 2014 at 15:39 Sergio Mucino <sergio.muc...@modusfx.com> wrote:

Just in case it helps... anyone looking into rigging and animation in Modo,
needs to look at ACS ( http://www.thefoundry.co.uk/products/modo/kits/acs/
<http://www.thefoundry.co.uk/products/modo/kits/acs/> )
  It's the best auto-rigger system I've had the pleasure of using. It's
currently limited to bipeds, but I don't think it'll take too long before its
made modular. This thing is worth every penny... twice.

  I know it's a bit OT, but I thought some people looking into alternatives in
this department would like to be aware of the available options. Cheers!

  Sergio Mucino
  Freelance Rigger/TD

  On 27/02/2014 10:23 AM, Angus Davidson wrote:

      > > Hi there
      Always great to meet a fellow educator. We are precisely in the same
boat as you. We originally started in Maya (was the choice before | started
working there) and moved to Softimage after many issues with Maya. We saw an
immediate increase in the quality of the student work and use it to this
day. We however have the same concerns as you about the lack of development.

      We also now have a games design course (which is now in its third year)
and we need to get them started on a 3d App as well in their forth year.

      If you already have Houdini in your pipeline my advise would be to use
that more and augment it with something like Modo. For student work both are
rock solid (especially on Mac OS X) We dont have massive studios like in the
UK and the States. Our Biggest did Zambezia and that was mostly on

      From a teaching point of view what we loved about Softimage was the
results were always consistent. On Maya it was never the case and depending
on when or if they deleted history it was incredibly difficult to trouble
shoot when things went south. Dear God I spent so many hours editing Maya.
ma files to try and salavge projects. with Softimage never had to do that.

      I am really enjoying the Modo Rigging and animating process. The
mindset is a bit different but then again sadly no process will be the same
as Softimage. At least my rigs dont break in Modo which happened to me all
the time in maya (rigging is not my strength ;) )

      Luckily our teaching year just started so we only need to decide
sometime before Jan Next year (sticking to Softimage definitely for this

      Maya LT due to its game focus is also a possibility. I need to do some
more testing from going between Maya LT / Modo and Unity as threat will
weigh heavily on the decision

      kind regards


      From: Sofronis Efstathiou [sefstath...@bournemouth.ac.uk
<mailto:sefstath...@bournemouth.ac.uk> ]
      Sent: 27 February 2014 04:41 PM
      To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
      Subject: RE: new upgrade policy

      Hi Jordi,

      Thanks for the information – and 100% agree with was mentioned in your
earlier post.  I was going to ask that exact question (especially as your
our external!).  Obviously we need to transition from Softimage in the next
few months (can’t tell you how disappointed we are here) – however we
already use Houdini successfully on the Digital Effects course so it’s a
real option.

      Concerns are the character tools though – animation, rigging, modelling
etc. It seems Modo won’t be ready for a couple of years yet – do you think
our options are Maya for a single year and then a move to Modo, or are we
missing something else? Up skilling is a pain – would prefer not to do it
twice.  Ideally looking for a Non-Linear Workflow to character setup and
animation (I hear Maya rigging workflow can be quite restrictive and less
flexible than Soft’s). Not sure about Modo.  Houdini seems like a non

      I’ll be honest – although we have worked with a pedigree application
(Soft) for 15 years here; it’s been treated as an underdog for far too long
now. Development has been almost non-existent these past 3 years and I need
to look after my students, exposing them the to the tools and processes that
provide them the best opportunity. Maya seems to be the safe bet – but I’m
kind of tempted with a Houdini/Modo pipeline.  Also a concern as some staff
will be teaching across a new Games course, so I can’t introduce Maya/Modo –
just wouldn’t be able to support it.

      Thoughts much appreciated as always….


      Sofronis Efstathiou

      Postgraduate Framework Leader and BFX Competition & Festival Director
      Computer Animation Academic Group
      National Centre for Computer Animation
        Email: sefstath...@bournemouth.ac.uk

      Tel: +44 (0) 1202 965805

      Profile: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/sofronisefstathiou
        Student Work:



      Awarded for world-class computer animation teaching
      with wide scientific and creative applications

      From: softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com
<mailto:softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com> ] On Behalf Of Jordi Bares
      Sent: 27 February 2014 14:24
      To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
      Subject: Re: new upgrade policy

      You can certainly animate in Houdini (I have seen it) but its toolset
is not geared towards it and IMHO although I am going to give it a good go
(I am right now rigging and processing mocap in houdini) the truth is that I
have already identified many issues we XSI artists would not be happy with.

      For this reason I look at rigging and animation on the Modo side or
Softimage side while SideFX a do their homework.

      As we speak I am preparing a massive report with videos on what they
should add and let's see.. so far they have been exceptionally good at
embracing suggestions (like the old softimage team… remember?) so I am going
to put my energy there.

      Jordi Bares

      jordiba...@gmail.com <mailto:jordiba...@gmail.com>

      On 27 Feb 2014, at 12:33, Greg Punchatz <g...@janimation.com
<mailto:g...@janimation.com> > wrote:

      Jordi, As far as character and creature animation, how and what are you
using for that? I have never seen anything move at a decent clip while
watching Houdini demos.... and have heard nothing but nightmares from people
try to do character work in it.

      Does it have the user friendly tools for rigging like soft? Or are you
using Modo for character work? Its rigging seems more than strange to me.

      On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 6:21 AM, Simon Reeves <si...@simonreeves.com
<mailto:si...@simonreeves.com> > wrote:
      Interesting conversation for sure, I might finally have a good look
into workflows in houdini.

      Also this is the preview to the last email.. I wondered if it was going
to be solution to a lack of freelancers...<temp.png>

      Simon Reeves
      London, UK
      si...@simonreeves.com <mailto:si...@simonreeves.com>
   www.simonreeves.com <http://www.simonreeves.com/>
      www.analogstudio.co.uk <http://www.analogstudio.co.uk/>

      On 27 February 2014 12:07, Jordi Bares <jordiba...@gmail.com
<mailto:jordiba...@gmail.com> > wrote:
      Training an animator to use Houdini to animate is trivial

      Training a lighter to use Houdini is trivial

      Training a modeller to use Modo is pretty easy

      Training a modeller to texture in Modo is pretty easy

      What I want to say is that if you dive in the correct areas it is easy
and in a week or two you have any of these positions up and running. The
only secret is to have an expert at hand that can easy the pain and guide
the team.

      Obviously a different thing is to get a Houdini FX guy, but we have
plenty of these  ;-)

      On the flip side, the less freelancer competition, the more you can


      Jordi Bares

      jordiba...@gmail.com <mailto:jordiba...@gmail.com>

      On 27 Feb 2014, at 09:59, Cristobal Infante <cgc...@gmail.com
<mailto:cgc...@gmail.com> > wrote:

      What about freelancers though?

      Surely you will want access to healthy freelance pool of people. So
good luck finding a "Modo lighter" or a "Houdini Rigger".  My guess is Maya
is a more sensible option only for that looking from a production/managment

      On 27 February 2014 09:43, Jordi Bares <jordiba...@gmail.com
<mailto:jordiba...@gmail.com> > wrote:
      would you give more money to Autodesk after what they are doing to
pretty much *every package* ?

      Let's recap

      Image Modeller = dead

      Stitcher = dead

      Matchmover = dead

      Combustion = dead

      Toxik = dead

      Naiad = dead until further notice

      Softimage = still developed but tiny tiny increments

      Motion builder = still developed but tiny tiny increments

      Motion builder for mac = stopped development

      FBX converter for mac = stopped development

      Mudbox  = still developed but tiny tiny increments

      The only good news is that Flame v2014 has been a major effort on their
side and gave me the confidence to give Autodesk one more year, lots of
people angry with the changes but at least there was some vision although my
fear is that they will enter now a marketing stage to help boost sales and
engage again and push sales after the debacle of their change in the library
which made pretty much every flame artist angry.

      Now, what are the alternatives?

      Well, I leant something last year when Apple decision regarding Final
Cut Pro (I am sure nobody needs reminding)… and what I learnt is that
Apple's core market is not pro software, its market is hardware, specially
mobile hardware (laptops, phones, tablets…)

      If you apply the same thinking with Autodesk everything becomes clear…
Autodesk core market is not entertainment, it's architecture and engineering
and they don't really give a $@^$£% about us as the list above demonstrates

      The new version of Softimage, Mudbox and Motion Builder will tell
exactly where they stand for third year in a row so eyes open…

      in the meantime I chose to focus on those companies that pro software
is their core business and have market share to gain, and these are the ones

      SideEffects (via Houdini)

      Foundry (via Modo)

      MassiveSoftware (via Massive)

      So my approach is simple, force myself to transition in an abrupt way
(nothing better than full inversion) and help these companies to polish
their software as much as possible by being in the beta process, report all
bugs, new ideas, pass them information of which things work from other
packages… Exactly what I did with XSI.

      And one more thing, after diving in Houdini I consider it *impossible*
for any software manufacturer to put the necessary resources to compete with
them (I will repeat it… IMPOSSIBLE), the architecture is so advanced and so
well designed it is a marvel of software engineering (and expensive to build
of course)… this is here to stay my friends.

      and its getting easier by the day.

      Jordi Bares

      jordiba...@gmail.com <mailto:jordiba...@gmail.com>

      On 27 Feb 2014, at 08:42, Nicolas Esposito <3dv...@gmail.com
<http://gmail.com/> > wrote:

      Quick question regadring the switch to another software:
      I saw that quite few people are considering Modo or Houdini as an
alternative to Softimage. This is due to the fact that you want to
completely leave Autodesk for good, or because an alternative like Maya wont
suite your needs?

      I'm asking because I'm not familiar nor with Maya or Modo, so I was
just wondering what is the main reason

      2014-02-27 9:21 GMT+01:00 Sebastien Sterling
<sebastien.sterl...@gmail.com <mailto:sebastien.sterl...@gmail.com> >:
      It's a system that seems to favour massive company's that can afford to
routinely upgrade their packages, and screws the individual user for any
sort of brand fidelity they may attempt to maintain; if you know you are
going to get a discount (where it even 10%) on your next upgrade as a token
to your brand loyalty, you would feel incentivised to perches upgrades, its
marketing 101 no different then a loyalty card at your supermarket.

      The only reason for doing this is to intentionally loose a demographic.
In the short term maybe this will allow AD to save money, freelancers are
"infrequent in their purchases". They actually require a stable and
competent package out of the box, something big companies usually pays their
own Devs and TDs to sort out. Unlike big companies they also have the gall
to voice their contempt of an inferior service.

      So yea this kinda makes sense for them in the short term to stabilise
their key demographic, to the detriment of others probably makes the share
holders smile as well. of course this also kills any form of growth within
the potential market, but only time will tell what kind of impact that could

      On 27 February 2014 08:16, Angus Davidson <angus.david...@wits.ac.za
<mailto:angus.david...@wits.ac.za> > wrote:
      On Modo I am really impressed with it. Some tools are not 100% where I
want them yet but overall finding it very powerful. Mesh fusion is awesome
and saving my pennies to buy myself a copy of it. Stuff like rigging is
handled differently so it takes a bit to wrap your head around it.

      I really love things like being able to edit an animation curve in the
viewport  or create a custom UI that allows me to key specific things on
each frame for the selected controller. Their curve editor just feels more
responsive to me.

      You can see these on the new learn modo videos the posted recently.

      That being said its not as polished as softimage yet but you also have
to bear in mind that things like decent particles and animation have only
been around a few years in Modo. If Softimage does go EOL it where I am
headed for my personal stuff. Whether we go that way for our students
depends on a few more things.


      From: Daniel Sweeney [dan...@northforge.co.uk
<mailto:dan...@northforge.co.uk> ]
      Sent: 26 February 2014 11:19 PM

      To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
      Subject: Re: new upgrade policy

      I am as quick as I can off the autodesk rollercoaster. A few things
have made my choice I will always love soft and use the tool when its needed
but I think I need to look for another avenue. Looking at modo? Thoughts??
      Autodesk bollocks.
      On Feb 26, 2014 8:52 PM, "Kris Rivel" <krisri...@gmail.com
<mailto:krisri...@gmail.com> > wrote:
      I read it and couldn't help but say WTH?!


      On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 3:36 PM, Emilio Hernandez <emi...@e-roja.com
<mailto:emi...@e-roja.com> > wrote:
      Seems they need to fill the vault...

      2014-02-26 14:29 GMT-06:00 Kris Rivel <krisri...@gmail.com
<mailto:krisri...@gmail.com> >:
      > > >
      So...what's everyone's take on this gem?  So if I don't upgrade to
latest version  now...then when I want that version I have to pay full



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