That's a decision-maker right there.

On 4 March 2014 18:00, Matt Morris <> wrote:

> Completely agreed, its the worst possible decision. Why the hell would you
> they be bothered about an old discontinued software licence hanging around?
> Its making cancelling subscription a highly likely option. Way to lose
> your customers Autodesk.
> On 4 March 2014 17:50, Adam Sale <> wrote:
>> I totally agree Arvid. I know I will need to revisit old scenes and
>> projects, and this totally shoots us in the foot/ head.
>> This is a completely unacceptable move on the part of AD.
>> Let us keep our old licenses, AND migrate. What harm is there in keeping
>> the old licenses around?
>> On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 9:43 AM, Arvid Björn <> wrote:
>>> Excuse me, but THIS IS BULLSHIT:
>>> *"Please note that the right to use the Softimage license will terminate
>>> at the end of the transition period if you are still on Subscription. You
>>> will be transitioned to the latest release of either 3ds Max or Maya
>>> depending on your initial choice. If you want to continue to use your
>>> Softimage license after Feb 1, 2016 you should not renew your Subscription
>>> contract for a period beyond that date. You will be able to continue to use
>>> Softimage but will forfeit any future updates to either 3ds Max or Maya." *
>>> I can see how offering Maya/Max might be a parting gift, but how can you
>>> deny the continued use of Softimage after the two year transition period?
>>> No fucking way in hell we'll just throw all of our data from almost 10
>>> years back into the lake, we'll need the ability to open older Softimage
>>> projects INDEFINITELY.
>>> Basically, there is absolutely NO way forward with Autodesk at this
>>> pont, I have to keep access available. Rethink, respond and change this
>>> policy ASAP, thanks.
> --

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