In my opinion this post is exactly what the other recent posts on the other thread (March 28th, 2014) about how every single thread keeps getting pushed back off topic and turns into a hate-fest are all about.

Sorry Paul, but this post isn't really productive is it? It's only stirring things up again when this thread has been pretty useful to many users to be able to explain what we find useful from this feature in Softimage. I don't care if Luc-Eric knows about it or not. Point is, we need to voice the usefulness of it for those of us who will be moving to Maya so we can have a fighting chance to have something similarly useful to keep working.

Can we please keep the useful threads useful?

Eric T.

On 4/3/2014 9:48 AM, Paul Griswold wrote:
How many of you are utterly shocked at how LITTLE anyone at all from Autodesk seems to know about Softimage & it's capabilities?

It's almost like they bought it & never opened it (regardless of which Marc was in charge).



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