While home sick the past few days, I decided to do some minor house cleaning 
and came across some interesting artifacts of the past.  One of them being a 
document Softimage released in winter 1996/1997 to placate the user base after 
Alias|Wavefront announced "Project Maya". for context:

Back in 1994, Microsoft acquired Softimage and had Softimage|3D ported to 
Windows NT while also bringing the cost of professional software down by 
significant amounts (thousands of dollars).  Worried they'd lose major 
business, Silicon Graphics acquired Alias Research and Wavefront Technologies 
and merged them to form Alias|Wavefront, and soon after announced "Project 
Maya" to merge the best of the two companies offerings into a single product 
and try to reclaim some of the market share that had been eroded from the rise 
of Softimage as the 800 pound gorilla.   Well, Project Maya was making quick 
progress and went into beta not too long after the announcement, and they also 
migrated many features into the existing Alias PowerAnimator such as completely 
replacing the IK system and improving the polygon modeling toolset.  Softimage 
needed a response to indicate they intended to stay relevant as most of their 
hype was focused around "Digital Studio" and integrating products to form an 
end-to-end production environment, but not much was heard on the 3D front as 
Softimage|3D was falling apart at the seams and had also shakey releases in 
Softimage|3D 3.5 and Softimage|3D 3.7 which was worse by a large margin 
(forcing the release of Softimage|3D 3.7 SP1 only a few months later to fix 
more than 1,000 bugs).  Rumblings and whispers were abound in the customer 
base.  So, to quiet the rumblings "The Road to Sumatra" was published to give 
the user base reassurance that there was a light at the end of the tunnel.

Now that Sumatra (XSI) is retired and 18 years have passed, the question begs - 
did we ever get to Sumatra?  Was the road to Sumatra real?  Is it still 
relevant today?

(Pardon the  misspellings as I quickly typed it up from paper copy without 

"The Road to Sumatra"

A Brief History

Softimage 3D has evolved over the past ten years consistently leading and 
revolutionizing the 3D animation industry.  An Intuitive user interface, an 
advanced toolset, and a production-centric focus, makes Softimage invaluable 
today for any serious animative production.  Softimage 3D has revolutionized 
the worlds of film, broadcast, and interactive content, moving animation from 
the realm of the impossible to that of the believable - and transforming the 
art and science of motion into a tool for artists.

The time has come to advance the principles introduced in Softimage 3D to the 
next level...
- to put to use lessons learned over the years from animators in hard-core 
production environments.
- to provide a toolset which takes the next significant step for the animation 
industry, pioneering features which will bring us even closer to the goal of 
complete artistic freedom, scalable to the needs of the artist.
- to architect a vision for the future so centered around production 
requirements that it will evolve into a foundation for all aspects of digital 
media creation.
 Welcome to the future of 3D animation
Welcome to Sumatra.
Experience the Future.
Transcend from granular animation to thigh-level character control - from 
animating one athlete's motion to orchestrating the complex actions of an 
entire team.  Go beyond the explicit definition of movements to the direction 
of characters who react according to their environment.  Move with ease between 
ofthe worlds of 3D and 2D, preserving the workflow of each while taking full 
advantage of the integrated suite of production tools.
softimage is architecting just such a vision.  Based on a totally new 
foundation, Sumatra changes the way animation itself is created, introducing a 
workflow designed to lead a paradigm shift in the production of 3D animation.  
with high levels of control over all the elements, and a focused toolset 
optimized for use with high-end mass character animations, animators are free 
to push the bounds of creativity to the utmost extent.

Linking closely with the Digital Studio architecture and toolsets, Sumatra 
maximizes creative options by allowing powerful sharing of elements between 3D 
and 2D environments.  With Sumatra's advanced paint and rendering toolsets, 
users have complete object surface control from the inside the Digital Studio 
framework.  In combination with this and other digital Studio toolsets, Sumatra 
will evolve into a foundation for all aspects of digital media creation.
A new order of power and technological breakthrougs honed into usability.  
tools balancing functionality and elegance enhance the creative potential of 
the animator.

Sumatra is the code name for the new generation of Softimage 3D, with a legacy 
of speed, integration, and productivity learned from over a decade of 
experience in demanding production environments.
A completely cross-platform initiative, Sumatra will deliver a multi-threaded 
solution on platforms ranging from workstation class NT and IRIX machines to 
multi-processing servers.  built from the ground up, Sumatra's powerful 
object-oriented architecture is the foundation for a high-speed 3D graphics 
authoring system, designed for the peformance and stability while preserving 
functional consistency throughout.

Sumatra provides complete control over the system's performance, from the most 
common tools to the depths of the architecture.  A highly optimized operator 
strcuture, combined with a powerful execuiion engine provides a strong base for 
tool and plugin-ins all working together seamlessly and consistenly.  
Interactivity at the system core guaarantees the fastest refresh for viewing 
and rendering.  You control the order in which elements are updating.  
Dinosaur's tails taking too long to swing?  Turn on automatic level of detail 
switching.  Optimized handling of object reslution and animation guarantees 
that you can tune to real time.

In the Sumatra architecture, plug-in tools are trreated the same as teh native 
toolset, and have complete control over all data and user interface parameters. 
 Third-party developers and production programmers alike have full acces to 
geometry, animation, and render pipelines.  The Sumatra API is fully compatible 
with the existing Softimage SDK, retaining speed and granulatrity while adding 
a higher level programming paradigm and unifying previously discrete toolkits.

An Integrated Solution

Sumatra integrates functionality at bot the intra-product and inter-product 
levels, combining previously separate featurs such as mental ray and particles 
into a unified 3D product.  Sumatra also integrates with Digital Studio 
toolsets, yielding a truly comprehensive, end-to-end production environment.

At the file system level, Sumatra and Digital Studio share a common content 
management system, in which each can use the work produced by the other.  
Shared tools and datatypes further unite the two systems.


for artist, the most powerful aspect of a user interace is how quickly it 
becomes transparent.

The Sumatra user interface incorporates the principles of workflow that have 
long been the hallmark of Softimage 3D, including 2-click access to all major 
tools, work-centric design, and direct, modeless object manipulation.  
Combining these principles with contextual and customizable menuing and an 
innovative design, Sumatra hones the interace to the needs of the individual 
user.  relational control of all elements - objects, models, textures, anything 
in the system - provide ultimate level of flexibility.

Sumatra provides intuitive new ways of working graphically with scene data, 
simplifying the management of multiple-scene and amass character animations.  
chagne one, two, or all charaters with just a few mouse clicks.  change the 
overall direction of a crowd in a blur.  Not sure of the right camera angle?  
Pan around during playback with complete run-time viewing control.
A collective network.

For creative teams the ability to collaborate efficiently across hardware and 
data boundaries can make or break a project.

The future of 3D content will be oriented around multi-user, multi-layered 
animation.  common vision, access to production data, and project tracking are 
fundamental to workgroup productivity.

Collective networking is about workgroup transparency.  It's about one person a 
character, while another renders the background, while still another works on 
facial animation.  Sumatra is a system built around tasks, and architected to 
manage those tasks efficiently.


animators have been breathing life into large reptiles, milk bottles, and even 
dancing gas pumps.  The time has come to instill behaviors in characters, so 
they can perform actions on their own.  How wil you feel when your chacter 
darts out of harm's way, or cracks a smile al by himself.
Sumatra provides a whole new level of scalable animation controol, to optimizae 
work with keyframe, motion capture, or any other type of animation data.  
Character control is easier than ever.  users can work with any kind of 
animation seamlessly because all animation data is treated the same.  work 
comfortably with motion capture or constraint animation - or use both on the 
same character.  Want another character to move the sme way?  just click and 
drag the animation.

With Sumatra, powerful new tools allow you to work with animation in a 
completely non-linear fashion.  this makes the orchestration of complex 
movements among characters in a scene far easier.  combine actions with 
customzied transitions, and trigger charcter behaviors from events.  Define 
your own behaviors, and set a time limit for a character to perform.  Sumatra 
is robust in handling banks of overlapping actions and timelines.  Scale and 
move actions and events proportionately to one another before compositing the 
whole onto a master timeline.  The element of time is now an advantage, and not 
a constraint.

Inside Sumatra, users can pre-set values for a localized system, and allow 
universal dynamics to drive the animation across a given number of keyframes, 
evaluating collisions, and generating animation on the fly.  further maximize 
workflow by using the fully integrated particle system - cast stones onto the 
floor, and watch them bounce.  Toss a piece of cloth onto a slippery table, and 
watch it slide off.  Native prototyping tools take the repetition out of 
sceondary animation, freeing you to spend your time on your artistry.


The future of modeling requires a combination of performance and geometric 

With Sumatra, fast, interactive modeling tools let you forget about the 
geometry, and focus on the creative pathway to production goals.  the modeling 
toolkit adapts equally well to ground-up model creation or to 
resolution-targeted model manipulation.  the sumatra modeler adds direct 
surface manipulation techniques to the classical notions already present in 
softimage 3D.  Experience complete partity of tools between mesh and parametric 
surfaces, thanks to powerful data-types incorporated as base classes in the 
sumatra architecture.

With Sumatra, levels of both control and etail are completely in the hands of 
the user.  model a character's head with bezier spline control, the body with 
cardinal control, and the legs with traditional NURBS feel.  Blend the entire 
character together with fully relational blended surfaces.  Blend on blends and 
animate the whole thing.  Need a lower res model for game prototyping?  move 
freely between the worlds of parametric and polyon surfaces.  powerful 
user-time tools, and new methods of modeling combine to push geometry 
manipulation to a whole new level.


Reality occurs at the point where geometry, texture, perspective and atmosphere 
become one.

Sumatra incorporates the next generation of the mentla ray renderer as a 
completely integrated system.  Textue, pain, and render your world in any way, 
and in any order, you like.  The superior photorealism of the next generation 
of meantal ray, in combination with seamless integration and network render 
control, guaarantee that your production will have the hlook you want in the 
time you have.

A fully interactive render control lets you preview only what you really want 
to see.  Trace at break-neck speed, thanks to the optimized integration and 
data handling.  Directly paint the textures, shaders, and effects onto 
surfaces, right in the  context of the scene.  change the lighting model - 
realtime feedback allows you to see exactly what you are implementing.

When the time comes to crank out the result, sumatra provides a render fram 
manager for parallel and distributed processing.  With multiple hardware 
platform compatbility, Sumatra enables you to assemble highly optmized and cost 
effective solutions for the most demanding rendering tasks.  Distribute what 
you want, where you want it, and allow the tracer to determine how to get 
maximum speed from each workstation.

The Path to Sumatra

The Sumatra effort is founded on the requirement of our users, and so we take 
the first steps with our current architecture.  Many sumatra-class tools will 
first appear as Softimage plugin-ins on both windows NT and IRIX platforms, 
providing next-generation prototyping, modeling animation, and rendering tools 
for use today.


The sumatra project is a bold endeavor to produce a 3D product which will 
provide not just a common-sense next step to the existing production paradigm, 
but rather, revolutionzie the way 3D digital media is created and produced.  
Preserving the crucial principles of workflow, and advanced animation control, 
solftimage takes the next significant step toward complete creative freedom.  A 
platform-independent production solution, Sumatra is articistic freedom 
propelling your ideas to the look their very best.
Sumatra is your next big reative rush.


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