attribute transfers
intuitive retargeting
>referencing< (consistant worry free OOTB group work)
easy to use
stirdy and stable

(what Maya is not)

On 09/16/14 3:50, Raffaele Fragapane wrote:
The metaphores and similitudes on this list since the EOL of Soft are on a whole different level...

"on a whole different level" not unlike Soft, which makes yet another similitude :P

On 09/16/14 3:26, Enrique Caballero wrote:
Thanks for the info guys,  This is super helpful.

I just played around with List Reference Edits in the Reference Editor.

You can  list and remove edits in there

Seems similar to a delta in there. Just far less readable. But when I remove edits, I dont have to update referenced model to see an update.

I'll play around with that for a while and see if it has what i need.

Thanks for the info Raf.  I want to use Assets, as i like the black box feature. I still have a lot of experimenting to do before i start moving forward with anything though

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