I agree with Tim and most of the people in the list I am sure. Most of the
other software discussion is done with a "softimage perspective" which is
why is worth having that discussion here and not in Maya/Blender forum.

In regards to Blender, I also used to also draw the line there. However
after seeing this Houdini/Blender hair workflow I realised it could be
useful for very specific tasks on a pipeline. At the end of the day if it
helps me do a better job and go home early then I will embrace it. (Chris,
I am interested on this modelling workflow!)


In regards to the noise that we've seen lately. What I would suggest is if
someone wants to post a purely Maya thread maybe format it with brackets?

[Maya] How do I make an override?

etc, that will help everyone possibly filter better and ignore if not


On Saturday, 16 May 2015, Tim Leydecker <bauero...@gmx.de> wrote:

>  I would prefer a bit more openness for the future.
> As much as I like working in Softimage, to make a living, I am
> (re)adopting other solutions.
> Maybe that´s a special case but nevertheless, one could describe trying to
> transfer existing
> knowledge to a new realm something common sense should flag desireable.
> That as a given, I appreciate info on Houdini, Blender, Cinema, Zbrush,
> Maya, 3DsMax, etc
> here, because generally, it´s shared in a context of comparison to
> Softimage/XSI or at least
> as information that can be regarded valueable anyway.
> I really appreciate people sharing their experience while transitioning
> themselves or simply
> sharing workflows or tips.
> The way I see it, there won´t be much news on Softimage development, be
> happy to get any news
> from the community at all and grateful that the people on this list still
> share and contribute.
> Cheers,
> tim
> I would have actually expected more posts on the latest 3DSMax stuff for
> example, as it seems
> it´s something an ICE person would find easy enough to pick up and work
> with?
> Am 16.05.2015 um 07:38 schrieb Mirko Jankovic:
> Again no need to police or something just common sense, If there is need
> mention solution in maya nd point to right discussion or forum but there is
> absolutely no need to start lengthy discussion how to do 1 click operation
> in SI with 20 scripts in maya...
> On Sat, May 16, 2015 at 7:37 AM, Mirko Jankovic <mirkoj.anima...@gmail.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','mirkoj.anima...@gmail.com');>> wrote:
>>   I can only agree. Move other software things to other threads, it is
>> one thing to mention something if it is solution to specific problem but to
>> dedicate next bunch of emails to maya and others it is no place or that.
>> There are maya and other software threads to discus that in debt.
>>  If someone asks for help with something in SI, and this is still best
>> way and great pool of talented SI ppl, he hardly wanna hear, oh do that in
>> maya on blender. f*** that I don;t care about crap of the maya or blender.
>> If I wanted or liked to work on them would get them and go to maya and
>> other forums.
>>  God thing about si mailing list is that even when not looking for some
>> answers topics arise that are interesting to read and learn something new
>> from them.
>>  But with all other software noise that is increasingly hard. And some
>> filtering really is in order.
>>  Need maya, blender max help and details? Find maya and other forums and
>> mailing lists. With little time most ppl have in day last thing I wanna
>> spend it is reading about those...
>> On Sat, May 16, 2015 at 7:17 AM, Tenshi S. <tenshu...@gmail.com
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','tenshu...@gmail.com');>> wrote:
>>>   A valid point, and one that i support entirely. I enter here a while
>>> ago, because of Softimage, not because of Maya or Blender, if i would like
>>> to hear about those app i would go to the proper forums/mailing list, etc.
>>> Everytime i come to gmail and verifiy my forums section, i encounter a
>>> few topics about other things that are not Softimage related. What it's the
>>> meaning of this mailing list, then?
>>> One thing i support too it's a thread dedicated only to people who are
>>> migrating or finding solutions, but one thread only, not 20 of them saying
>>> "Maya it's better because of this, and Blender do amazing cycle renders"
>>> and blabla.
>>>  Another thing it's threads dedicated only to Maya/Blender/3Dmax <>
>>> Softimage interaction, that's something you really want to learn about it
>>> and deserves their own thread.
>>>  C'mon guys, we know Softimage it's EOL, but that doesn't mean we need
>>> to keep killing it.
>>> You know that maybe this mailing list it's the only place aside from a
>>> few forums to talk and keep learning about Softimage?
>>> On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 5:45 PM, Matt Lind <speye...@hotmail.com
>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','speye...@hotmail.com');>> wrote:
>>>> I side with Sven on the matter.
>>>> People seem to have confused the concept of forum with mailing list.
>>>> If you want to discuss anything and everything, go to a forum as it's
>>>> designed for that sort of thing.  people can view only what they desire to
>>>> view and easily ignore what they don't care about.  Migration, plugins,
>>>> tutorials for product X, and whatever will surely be welcomed there.
>>>> A mailing list is intended for narrow on-topic discussion and not much
>>>> else because any content submitted is distributed to the entire community
>>>> intended or not.  Having a lot of non-topic discussion on a mailing list is
>>>> synonymous to being loud and rude in a library while people are trying to
>>>> read and study.  While some tangents are OK to keep things interesting,
>>>> let's try to keep the balance in favor of on topic discussion.  Lately the
>>>> noise has been higher than the signal.
>>>> Softimage may be EOL, but some of us must continue using it for an
>>>> indefinite period of time.  When trying to find solutions to problems in a
>>>> timely manner using the archives or direct help from the user base, we
>>>> don't need our few remaining channels of support clogged with noise causing
>>>> a potential solution to be missed in sea of false positives.
>>>> Matt
>>>> Date: Fri, 15 May 2015 00:17:30 +0200
>>>> From: "Sven Constable" <sixsi_l...@imagefront.de
>>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','sixsi_l...@imagefront.de');>>
>>>> Subject: RE: Is purchasing a new softimage license impossible?
>>>> Then I'd like change "we"with "me" in my statement if you feel more
>>>> comfortable with it. I do respect you the same way as I respect the list.
>>>> This list is the most proficient source of information in a same way a
>>>> platform for professionals is meant to discuss even everything else. That?s
>>>> my point.  This is the softimage mailing list. I read maya topics all the
>>>> time. 3Dsmax, for gods sake and will tolerate it. And Houdini? Well, it's
>>>> very welcome and Modo for sure. But discusing freeware? C'mon!
>>>> Well the problem I had was not actually arguing with specific modeling
>>>> in Blender but the promotion of it in this list. I do not think this is the
>>>> right place to promote software.
>>>> sven
>>>>  From:  <mailto:softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com
>>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com');>>
>>>> softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com
>>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com');>
>>>> [ <mailto:softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com
>>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com');>>
>>>> mailto:softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com
>>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com');>]
>>>> On Behalf Of Eric Thivierge
>>>> Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 11:19 PM
>>>>  To:  <mailto:softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
>>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','softimage@listproc.autodesk.com');>>
>>>> softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
>>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','softimage@listproc.autodesk.com');>
>>>> Subject: Re: Is purchasing a new softimage license impossible?
>>>> Hey Sven,
>>>> I'm not sure you have the right to police this list like that. I don't
>>>> mind if this kind of stuff is posted here. So when you use the word "we"
>>>> I'm not sure who you're speaking for but it certainly isn't the whole of
>>>> this list.
>>>> Anyone wanting to share new ways of working and tools should be able
>>>> to. This wasn't forbidden before the EOL for Softimage so it shouldn't be
>>>> now. Especially since the EOL.
>>>> Eric T.
>>>> On 5/14/2015 5:10 PM, Sven Constable wrote:
>>>> Hey Chris, we have some problem if people want to promote their
>>>> software in a inappropriate way. ADSK did this this on the list. Newtek an
>>>> SideFX did it as well. It's alright. But please keep in mind, this is the
>>>> softimage mailing list.
>>>> If I want to model with hobbyist software, controlled by hobbyists I
>>>> will choose Blender. If you want to promote a software for hobbyists, you
>>>> should use the appropiate forums.
>>>> sven

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