I just wish people post other software related topics in their own thread.
A Softimage > Transition thread would be best suited, but like i said
before having a lot topics of the same thing, just makes me sad and anger,
because at the end Autodesk win. =/ . So if the Softimage community wants
to stay as it is, let's help organize this. Just one thread for transitions
would be more helpful than 20 of them mention other software's, besides
that, it would be the best to have only Softimage related topics as the
main threads here; and when the times come people move on to other
forums/mailing list that talks of their new favorite software. Best of both
worlds and opinions, is that too much to ask?

*sorry 4 my english,

On Sun, May 17, 2015 at 4:09 PM, Scott Parrish <scotte...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Wow, this is quite a thread now.
> My original question was just about options for acquiring new softimage
> licenses, which was answered pretty quickly by Stephen, Maurice and others.
> It's interesting that the majority of the ~50 replies are arguments for
> and against talking about software other than Softimage, based on a single
> post mentioning blender as a possible alternative at least for some tasks -
> since after next year buying new softimage seats will be impossible...
> I would make a guess that the debate about whether or not it's ok to talk
> about alternatives to Softimage has created more noise and off-topic
> discussion on the thread than any mentions of people's personal experience
> as they try to transition to other tools.
> Personally, and without wanting to offend anyone, I came to the list for
> the collective knowledge sharing of a bunch of experienced pros. Now that
> Softimage is EOL it would be nice to channel all of that knowledge and
> professionalism into fruitful discussion about how we move on in our work
> with and without softimage.
> Sadly, and knowing there are a lot of emotions involved since the
> Softimage EOL (I was very pissed), the bickering to useful info ratio is
> greatly tilted toward bickering.
> Not sure what can be done about that other than to ask folks to chill and
> be nice to each other, try to stay on topic and avoid long existential
> arguments about what the list is even for. I see nothing like this on any
> of the other mailing lists I'm on.
> If it keeps up I think the membership of the list will dwindle. It's
> saddening to dig through all the bickering to get to the helpful responses,
> know what I mean?
> Anyway, my opinion take with salt.
> On Sun, May 17, 2015 at 8:05 AM, Sylvain Lebeau <s...@shedmtl.com> wrote:
>> Hey Chris!
>> yeah long time no see!!!  I’ve went to TO for a really short trip 3
>> months ago and did not got the chance to go visit you like the last time.
>> Will do next time and beers too!
>> sly
>> *Sylvain Lebeau // SHED*
>> V-P/Visual effects supervisor
>> T 514 849-1555 F 514 849-5025 WWW.SHEDMTL.COM <http://www.shedmtl.com/> <
>> http://WWW.SHEDMTL.COM <http://www.shedmtl.com/>>
>> On May 16, 2015, at 5:03 PM, Chris Johnson <chr...@topixfx.com> wrote:
>> Cristobal....wow...I'm even more excited now for my Blender lesson. I'm
>> making a polar bear in Max with Ornatrix right now and the brush tools are
>> a nightmare by comparison to that. I made some Pandas in Houdini and the
>> fur tools were really nice but it was tough with just painting and not
>> being able to actual just pull some guides with a brush. I believe they've
>> changed that in recent versions. This seems like the perfect starting
>> point!!!
>> I'll send it out to interested parties at the end of this week...maybe
>> next. I have two huge things delivering in the next week and half.
>> Graham...beers next time your in town...on you! ; )
>> On Sat, May 16, 2015 at 11:36 AM, Martin <furik...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I would agree with you purists, if Softimage were still under
>>> development, but it isn't.
>>> Threads like this: "Any equivalent to Custom Param sets in Maya?" is
>>> something that you can only discuss with Softimage users.
>>> We all are going to stop using Softimage sooner or later and having a
>>> wider view of what can you do with other tools from a Softimage user point
>>> of view is something you won't find anywhere else.
>>> Martin
>>> Sent from my iPhone

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