Looks massive to me ;)
Have you tried on another computer ? Just an idea : Could be a graphic card
driver problem.
Le 7 août 2015 19:05, "pedro santos" <probi...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Hi, I'm doing a bend deformer in ICE
> The tree has grown, but I don't think it's something too massive:
> http://prntscr.com/80jx9k
> The UI always locked up a little bit, but I could load it eventually, but
> my last version simply doesn't load :/
> I tried to use the new ICE interaction mode buttons but to no avail. The
> execution is actually smooth, It's the tree loading that bring it to its
> knees.
> In the last days I exclamated "Doh!" whenever I entered a compound,
> because when I got out of it back into the main tree the same slow loading.
> Any clues to what might be the problem?
> Thanks!
> Pedro / probiner
> Here's some demo gifs I was cooking before I got locked down...

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