I haven't sent to anyone else to try it. I'm assuming is a UI generation
issue and not GPU the UI doesn't go blank, the whole application locks up

For the operations I'm doing I need these many nodes. I've already done
other bend deformers too and of course I didn't needed all this indeed (
http://prntscr.com/83y066 ). I'm trying to get with something a bit more
evolved but mainly it's a code blueprint. So I can test ideas faster than I
would with code.
The parts that are repetitive are already compounds, since again, this is a
code blueprint I'm interested in convert those into functions.
I've seen people using matrix to convey operations (Delta Mush compound was
like that I think). But this operation is not very linear. Things go up and
down the several streams of processing, so I don't know who to do matrix
transformation would help in this case. It did help to just compound some
sections. Just do hide out some things, and the tree started to load
faster. Thanks.

@Jason S
Just like I said to Matt, I did that and it helped. Though I'm avoiding do
it to everything since like I mentioned I need to pull data from many
places and having the thing a bit more flatter helps. I also don't like to
set value and call them locally beause this is a blueprint and the
advantage over code is that I can immediately inspect what is being used

By the way the ICE execution is very smooth. One of the reasons I moved out
of LW after being 90% done there( http://prntscr.com/83y3rv ) , in ICE that
is not problem. Just the UI load that was showing as problem, unlike LW
where it loaded in 1 sec.

Thanks for the tips. Here's the additional gifs I ended up cooking :)

On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 3:06 AM, Jason S <jasonsta...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't know, but isn't massiveness (or massive looking graphs) very
> dependant on how elaborate processes are, and how low-level nodes are used?
> In this case the end-result looks like there's no interpenetration however
> much 'twisted' are meshes
> (or looks like a 'smart bend')
> And I've seen ICE trees that looked very neat at the top, while having
> several levels of subgraphs that had considerable amounts of things at each
> level, which I'm sure when all expanded into one tree would make-up quite
> some trees,
> (not speaking of execution time which sometimes seems completely unrelated)
> Speaking of which, have you tried just collapsing entire graph chunks into
> compounds (at the top level) ?
> On 08/07/15 20:08, Olivier Jeannel wrote:
> Looks massive to me ;)
> Have you tried on another computer ? Just an idea : Could be a graphic
> card driver problem.
> Le 7 août 2015 19:05, "pedro santos" <probi...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>> Hi, I'm doing a bend deformer in ICE
>> The tree has grown, but I don't think it's something too massive:
>> http://prntscr.com/80jx9k
>> The UI always locked up a little bit, but I could load it eventually, but
>> my last version simply doesn't load :/
>> I tried to use the new ICE interaction mode buttons but to no avail. The
>> execution is actually smooth, It's the tree loading that bring it to its
>> knees.
>> In the last days I exclamated "Doh!" whenever I entered a compound,
>> because when I got out of it back into the main tree the same slow loading.
>> Any clues to what might be the problem?
>> Thanks!
>> Pedro / probiner
>> Here's some demo gifs I was cooking before I got locked down...


Alpiarça dos Santos Animator  3DModeler  Illustrator >>
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