I'm still rocking the Softimage w/ Redshift at Xvivo Scientific Animation
and will be until there's a better, non-autodesk option out there hopefully
in a few years. I personally bought a Modo 801 license a year ago but
haven't really had the time to test it out fully, seems like it might be a
good option in a few years but alot of the features are kinda clunky from
what I'm used to with ICE.

-Tony B

On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 10:56 AM, Tim Crowson <
tim.crow...@magneticdreams.com> wrote:

> We're still entirely in Softimage.
> Our plan is still to move gradually over to Maya, but the lighting stage
> would remain in Softimage unless AD delivers better tools for this. XSI's
> pass system, rendering flexibility, and our commitment to using Redshift
> would probably keep us in Soft for our lighting stages, which Alembic
> readily allows. Maya just blows chunks in the rendering area, not to
> mention the funky render layer system.
> Plus, I haven't finished writing our new SGTK apps, so I kinda need to get
> those done before we can really jump ship...
>  I say: If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Cracks me up too, because these
> are areas that AD hasn't touched in many years. Soft is running circles
> around the other guys in several key areas, and it's doing it with
> years-old code.
> I really like Modo, and I continue to actively test and provide feedback
> for The Foundry, but at Magnetic we couldn't do our animations in it just
> yet. Houdini is not a lighting option for us, as we're committed to
> Redshift at this point.
> -Tim C.
> On 8/19/2015 9:39 AM, Francois Lord wrote:
> Hi Andy.
> Did you move to Mantra, or stayed with Arnold?
> Softimage crashing too often in lookdev is the #1 reason why I'm actively
> looking elsewhere.
> On 19-Aug-15 10:35, Andy Goehler wrote:
> We at Fiftyeight moved on from Softimage to Houdini for scene assembly and
> rendering. While Houdini’s offerings may not be the designed/perfect pass
> system currently, we’ve managed to adjust to a level of comfort. Shading
> and lighting productivity has gone way up. Houdini has proven to be very
> stable during shading and lighting, contrary to my frustration with Soft
> crashing unacceptably often.
> We were not looking for the best solution currently available either, we
> were looking for a platform to build upon. And are very happy with Side
> Effects as a software vendor. Licensing, Bugs reports and fixes, feature
> requests and implementation and daily builds make us a satisfied customer.
> Andy
> --

-Tony Bexley
Yes, Thee Tony Bexley

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