Hi Phil,

I would advise against consolidating screenspace from 2 displays into just one display.

It´s nice to have a 4kish main display if the distance to the screen fits comfortably to the sitting position in front of it and there´s enough depth to the desk but still, having a second monitor in something of the 24"-27" inch range is a very pleasant way to have floating windows, other programs and references in view but out of the way.

Personally, I like having a 27" as my main, centered display and at least some 24" to my left.

Other´s swear on centering their displays around their viewing axis but I don´t like looking
at that gap between screens all day, I prefer things wheighted to one side.

Anything much bigger than 30", I found annoying in the past because I would either end up constantly craning my neck around while looking across the screen or I would squint my eyes to read small fonts after having pushed the display farther away to reduce that initial headswinging.

In a nutshell, i found it really depends on the available desk´s depth for a comfortable viewing distance.

It should be deep enough to allow to push the display as far back as needed to see the whole image at a glance, fit a Wacom and keyboard inbetween and still let you rest your forearms comfortably on the desk.



Am 23.09.2015 um 22:21 schrieb Phil Harbath:
Has anyone used a 34 inch monitor for mostly 3D work, any comments appreciated.
From: pete...@skynet.be <mailto:pete...@skynet.be>
Sent: ‎9/‎23/‎2015 4:11 AM
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com <mailto:softimage@listproc.autodesk.com>
Subject: Re: 3Delight (free) - 8 core restriction and toon renders

but did you check in task manager to see if there are actually 8 cores active? in my tests with the 8-core restricted version, there were only 4 cores active as before – and I’ve seen it mentioned here as well. (not saying that what you got out of those 4 cores wasn’t cool)

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