Sound like a plan to me.

On 29 March 2017 at 17:00, Andy Nicholas <> wrote:

> I'm more than happy to help. I'm just unsure how much time I'll be able to
> devote to this as I'm pretty busy with some personal work at the moment.
> How about I set up something similar to Nick's on Github and we go from
> there?
> We need a name for it. Let's start a new thread on the list and move
> discussions over to that. Is that okay?
> A
> On 29/03/2017 16:44, Jonathan Moore wrote:
> I'm still waiting for other willing volunteers. :)
> On 29 March 2017 at 16:36, Andy Nicholas <> wrote:
>> Good idea. He's organised his library in the standard Houdini way so I'm
>> sure he'll be able to help guide things if you're looking to move forward
>> with this.
>> On 29/03/2017 16:02, Jonathan Moore wrote:
>> By the way, does anybody have any issues if I talk to Nick Taylor ref the
>> idea of putting a qLib like library together. I think he’s done a sterling
>> effort with his AeLib library, which mirrors the framework of the qLib
>> library. I’m also a fan of his work for - -
>> and he’s a regular helping hand on the Discord server. That could be useful
>> for sense checking emerging ideas against the wider consensus of the
>> Houdini community.
>> *From:* [
>> <>] *On Behalf Of *Andy Nicholas
>> *Sent:* 29 March 2017 15:50
>> *To:* Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
>> <> <>
>> *Subject:* Re: Random Thoughts about H.
>> > Arrays and vop (or vex if that's your thing) are keys if you want to
>> maintain speed imho.
>> Definitely. Getting into Vex in a big way has been a complete game
>> changer for me in the last couple of years or so. There's just so much you
>> can do with it, and like you said, it's super fast. It's particularly
>> useful in doing generative geometry and other low level geo operations. As
>> much as I still love ICE, Vex is so much more robust and powerful.
>> And sure, feel free to send a scene if you get stuck!
>> A
>> On 29/03/2017 15:32, Olivier Jeannel wrote:
>> Thank you Andy ! Got to try that when I'm back :)
>> I should send you some scene with some questions (somedays). I wanted to
>> do this with Mikael, but sometimes you don't want to bother people to much,
>> plus you have to be sure that what you're asking has sense, and sometimes
>> you just want to find yourself ^^
>> I quite loved the other day thread about strands a la softimage. Recently
>> someone (can't remember the name) posted a tut about clumping hair on
>> vimeo. And I came up with something hybrid but very fast without any for
>> each sop and a little bit of array.
>> Arrays and vop (or vex if that's your thing) are keys if you want to
>> maintain speed imho.
>> On Wednesday, March 29, 2017, Andy Nicholas <>
>> wrote:
>> Thanks for sharing. It's useful to see where you see issues.
>> > I miss the "sort array with key"
>> You need two nodes: "Array Arg Sort", and "Array Reorder". Use the Array
>> Arg Sort to sort your "key" value and produce indices, which you then feed
>> to the "Array Reorder". Maybe that's the first Softimage ICE HDA someone
>> could make. Just encapsulate these two to become a "Sort Array by Key" node.
>> I think a lot of problems with learning Houdini is the complexity and the
>> overwhelming feeling of "great, I can do anything, but where the heck do I
>> start". Much of which is over the linquistical issues like, for example,
>> the disconnectivity between slightly obscure naming of nodes and what they
>> actually do. I wouldn't mind betting that if people start putting together
>> Softimage->Houdini digital assets, the first noticeable thing will be the
>> Softimage style names that are used!
>> Maybe learning Houdini is a similar process to learning a foreign
>> language? Takes a while to get fluent.
>> A
>> On 29/03/2017 14:33, Olivier Jeannel wrote:
>> I'm not comfident enough to tell, and I can only speak for vop (not vex).
>> Having to build a for each loop set of nodes, well it took me time to
>> figure (in fact Mikael tut was the answer)
>> Having to work with per prim vertex array seems to be a limitation when
>> coming to sort those vertex.
>> I have overal sorting issues : it's ok to sort ptnum but an arbitrary
>> integer attribute I'm not sure I can.
>> I wish there was more example (in vop) of array building and sorting.
>> I miss the "sort array with key"
>> I'm just starting with arrays in H but I find it over complicated.
>> On Wednesday, March 29, 2017, Andy Nicholas <>
>> wrote:
>> Heh! Flattery will get you everywhere ;)
>> Yes, they make sense in both packages to me, and you have the added
>> benefit of being able to see the arrays directly in Houdini using the
>> Geometry Spreadsheet, rather than turning on the visualisation in Softimage
>> and have them disappearing off the top of the screen. You can do Python
>> style array slicing in VEX too which is awesomely useful.
>> Anyway, that's why I wanted to ask Olivier an honest question to try and
>> understand where Houdini is lacking. Maybe I'm too close to it to see the
>> issues.
>> A
>> On 29/03/2017 13:06, Jordi Bares wrote:
>> I was wondering if using arrays in Houdini makes as much sense as in
>> Softimage… Andy??? You are the expert here.
>> jb
>> On 29 Mar 2017, at 10:57, Andy Nicholas <> wrote:
>> Hi Olivier, where do you see the biggest difference with ICE arrays and
>> Houdini arrays? In both you have ways of adding, removing, sorting, etc.
>> elements in the array in whatever context you're in, no?
>> A
>> On 29/03/2017 09:48, Olivier Jeannel wrote:
>> An example of something we own as ice user :
>> One of the first thing I replicated was the Modulate by Volume.
>> When I arrived on Houdini and saw all those tutorial with people using
>> the Attribute transfer, I tried to use it myself and was horrified : I
>> found it slow and not precize.
>> Nobody was using a UV location + dotproduct method, and imho that's by
>> far the most efficient method.
>> The hardest thinking was "how should I wire it in Houdini way of working
>> ?". I came up with one Vop HDA, and one SOP HDA (which is simply the vop
>> compounded).
>> The great "plus" with Houdini, is that it's able to transfer values of
>> any context (point, prim, you name it, ..)
>> I'll try to record something.
>> I think there's a large place for improvement in H for everything that
>> concerns arrays. In ice, there was a lot of things to do with arrays ,
>> hence the speed. And the ice tools were super efficient for that. In
>> Houdini, there's a kind of "thinking" that as VOP by nature is looping
>> through points it is an "enough" solution.
>> Well, "maybe" but it's so criptic that unless you're a vex/C/python
>> programmer I find it very time consumming to understand. Plus there are no
>> doc samples or tut, a part from the one from Mikael Perterssen
>> That makes me wonder if other
>> people really consider or understand this.
>> Also, if you compare Peter Quint and Mikael way to deal with States,
>> hell, I'm 200% on the ice method.
>> 2017-03-28 20:39 GMT+02:00 Olivier Jeannel <>:
>> I'm a morron, but I'd love to have exclusive pure Ice minded HDA library.
>> 2017-03-28 20:29 GMT+02:00 Rob Chapman <>:
>> Thought I'd pipe in since tekano got invoked, also slowly attemting to
>> transition and agree with most already said and thanks, is already a huge
>> pointer to as yet unknown aspects and features of how complex houdini is.
>>  also would be interested in a more 'compounded' way of learning Houdini
>> like ice was introduced. Everything a compound node of nested compound
>> logic with exact same UI logic and Core nodes and complexity under the hood
>> but still accessable in a single click and an 'easy for artists' ability to
>> follow the logic flow into further nested compounds and see how it was
>> made. Not so with houdini yet 😎 open one compound and is equivalent to
>> inside of the neighborhood telephone junction box. Part of the enjoyment,
>> for me, was building own logic and then seeing the contrast of the
>> 'Softimage' way, and for sure, if you are building something fairly complex
>> requiring macro detailed interactions with something of a much larger
>> scale, eg characters running through a several fields of flowers,  then
>> somethings can be improved or optimised from the off the shelf examples.
>> Otherwise prepare for big data and long iteration times. It seems covering
>> all bases like the 'houdini' way is fine for examples and base setup but
>> not so in more complicated tasks is better to be good at understanding
>> which bits to leave out. 😀 or be able rapidly prototype your own. I
>> think like Mr Bolland has done and Pooby is asking for is these
>> intermediate compounds between that Softimage bought with it to help us
>> poor artists out 😂
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